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Organize your content into a catalog that users can filter and search. You can configure multiple catalogs and set the link text, description, and filters.

Screenshot of a catalog


catalogMap of strings to CatalogREQUIRED. Map of strings allows for the definition of multiple catalogs. Strings represent catalog only in configuration file - they do not appear in published project. Example: internal-apis

Catalog object

titlestringREQUIRED. Heading and page title in published project. Example: Acme API catalog
titleTranslationKeystringPage title key used for localization.
descriptionstringREQUIRED. Description of the page that appears in published project. Example: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
descriptionTranslationKeystringPage description key used for localization.
slugstringREQUIRED. What you want the path segment of the URL for the catalog to be. Must have a leading and trailing slash. Must match the page or href value for the item on the navbar. Example: /catalog/
filters[Filter]List of filter configurations which allows for quicker discovery. See Categories for more information on how to categorize content for filtering.
filterValuesCasingstringTransform casing of filter values. Possible values: lowercase, uppercase, sentence, original. Default: original.
separateVersionsbooleanSeparates content with multiple versions into their own distinct catalog items. Default: false.
groupByFirstFilterbooleanGroups items by the first filter they belong to. Default: false.
items[Item]List of item configurations which determines what content is included in the catalog.

Filter object

titlestringREQUIRED. Title of the filter to display above the filter options.
titleTranslationKeystringFilter title key used for localization.
propertystringREQUIRED. Indicates the field from x-metadata (OpenAPI extension) or metadata (in front matter) to use for the filter.
valuesMappingstringMap filter values to different values. Useful for mapping legacy metadata values to new values. Default value: {}.
missingCategoryNamestringIf an API does not have x-metadata and the corresponding filter property defined, then the API belongs to this missing category. Default value: Other.
missingCategoryNameTranslationKeystringMissing category name key used for localization.
typestringType of the filter in the UI. Possible values: checkboxes or select.
parentFilterstringProperty name of the filter to use as a parent. The current filter becomes active only after the parent filter is selected. Useful with select filter as a parent.
options[string]Static list of filter options to include for this filter. If not provided, the filter options are dynamically generated from the metadata values in the catalog.

Item object

directorystringREQUIRED. Path to the directory where the API descriptions or content files included in catalog are stored. Example: ./.
flattenbooleanRecurses all included sub-directories for files that match the target types and includes them in the catalog. When false, only the top-level items that match the target types are in the catalog as well as the first file from every subdirectory. Default: false.
includeByMetadataMap of metadata properties to list of string valuesRestricts what to include in the catalog. Example: {"type": ["openapi"]}.

If you want to only show the catalog to users that are members of particular teams, configure the rbac object in the redocly.yaml configuration file as follows:

      Developers: read

See rbac reference documentation for more options and examples.


The following is an example of a catalog configuration.

    title: Acme API catalog
    description: 'This is a description of the API Catalog'
    slug: /catalog/
      - title: API Category
        property: category
        missingCategoryName: Other
      - title: Team
        property: team
        missingCategoryName: No team
    # separateVersions: true
    groupByFirstFilter: true
      - directory: ./
        flatten: true
          type: [openapi]

To make the catalog accessible by link, you must add the catalog slug to the sidebars.yaml file or the navbar configuration in the redocly.yaml file.

  • View the configuration options available for translating content in the localization reference documentation.
  • See the navbar configuration documentation to see the format for adding a link to your catalog to the navbar.
  • Use x-metadata to make your API descriptions filterable.
