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About Redocly


We've had the good fortune of working with a mix of well-respected technology companies, blue chips, and startups. We found one common thread. A good workflow yields a more productive team. A more productive team is a happier team.


Early access only

The features here relate to our next-generation product family, which is open to invited early-access users only. We'll update the page here when the products are open for general signup.


Resources and learning

For authors

Writing valid OpenAPI definitions is an important starting block for API reference docs. Whether you design first or code first, valid OpenAPI definitions make a big difference in the quality of the documentation. We built a highly performant tool to lint (validate), and bundle your OpenAPI definitions. If you are writing your API definitions by hand, we recommend using our split command if you have an existing definition or our openapi-starter template repository to structure your repository.

Redocly has a VS Code plugin in active development. Get faster feedback when authoring. All of our products can be managed using configuration files which you store in source control, further enhancing the docs-like-code experience.

Integrated to source control

We believe OpenAPI definitions should be stored in your source control software. We're integrated with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, BitBucket cloud and server, Gitlab cloud and server, and Azure Repos. Each integration may work a little bit different. Throughout our docs, we'll use GitHub as our reference integration. Other integrations have specific pages explaining any differences.

You may also use other sources instead of source control, such as an API definition published at a URL or a file upload or CI/CD.

API registry

Our API registry validates and bundles your OpenAPI definitions and keeps track of them. It tracks usages and dependencies which helps automate modern cascading previews. For example, if a schema is used in three different doc projects, and a change is proposed in a pull request, Workflows will:

  1. Lint (validate) the OpenAPI definition.
  2. Bundle the OpenAPI definition as a snapshot.
  3. Build a preview for each project where it is used.

API docs

Three-panel interactive API reference docs generated from your OpenAPI definitions.

Modern documentation tools

Our products are crafted to enable and enhance:

  • OpenAPI definition authoring, validation, and bundling
  • Docs-like-code
  • Single-sourcing
  • Previewing or sharing previews of changes
  • Automated deployments based on git ops
  • Dependency and usage tracking
  • Access controls on static generated content