Allow builds to publish even if Reunite detects the following in your project:
- Broken links
- Noncompliant API descriptions
- Markdoc syntax errors
Configure jobs
to run the Respect command on Arazzo Descriptions.
Option | Type | Description |
ignoreLinkChecker | boolean | Publish a production project, even if Reunite detects broken links. Default value: false . |
ignoreLint | boolean | object | Publish a production project, even if Reunite detects an API description in the project that scores below the minimum standard set either by the scorecard or api options in the redocly.yaml file. Default value: false . |
ignoreMarkdocErrors | boolean | Publish a production project, even if Reunite detects Markdoc syntax errors. Default value: false . |
jobs | [Jobs object] | Defines jobs based on Arazzo Descriptions in your project that can be used to monitor the performance of your APIs by referencing OpenAPI Descriptions in your project. |
Jobs object
Option | Type | Description |
path | string | REQUIRED. Specifies the path to an Arazzo Description in your project. |
agent | string | REQUIRED. Specifies the agent that runs the job. Only accepts respect as the value. |
trigger | [Trigger object] | REQUIRED. Configure events that start the job. |
inputs | Map [string, JSON Schema object] | Defines the JSON Schema object representing the input parameters used by the Arazzo Description. |
servers | Map [string, Source Description object] | Define servers for the job. Used to override the server URL for a specific source description name in the Arazzo Description's sourceDescriptions object. |
severity | Severity object | Set the severity level based on the check type. |
Trigger object
Option | Type | Description |
event | string | REQUIRED. Specifies the type of event that triggers the job. Only accepts schedule as the value. |
interval | string | Specifies the interval between each run of the job in minutes (m), hours (h) or days (d). If not defined, the default value is 1h . Available values: 1m, 2m, 5m, 10m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 7d |
Severity object
Option | Type | Description |
statusCodeCheck | string | Sets the severity level for the status code check. The status code check verifies if the status code returned with API responses matches the statuses described in the provided OpenAPI description. Can be one of the following levels: error , warn , off . Default: error |
successCriteriaCheck | string | Sets the severity level for the success criteria check. The success criteria check verifies if the success criteria defined in the Arazzo Description has been met. Can be one of the following levels: error , warn , off . Default: error |
schemaCheck | string | Sets the severity level for the schema check. The schema check verifies if the response body schema matches what is defined in the provided OpenAPI Description. Can be one of the following levels: error , warn , off . Default: error |
contentTypeCheck | string | Sets the severity level for the content type check. The content type check verifies if the Content-Type matches what is defined in the provided OpenAPI Description. Can be one of the following levels: error , warn , off . Default: error |
Ignore errors examples
The following example configuration allows you to publish production project deploys even if Reunite detects broken links, an API description in the project that scores below the minimum standard, and Markdoc errors:
ignoreLinkChecker: true
ignoreLint: true
ignoreMarkdocErrors: true
You can also ignore specific API description files by making the ignoreLint
option an object, as in the following example configuration:
ignoreLinkChecker: true
docs/museum/**: true
docs/travel.yaml: true
The errors are still reported, but they do not prevent publishing.
Jobs configuration examples
The following example adds a basic configuration for Respect Monitoring where the job runs each minute:
- path: '/arazzo-jobs/api-status.yaml'
agent: respect
event: schedule
interval: 1m
The following example adds a configuration that contains multiple jobs with inputs specific to the job:
- path: '/arazzo-jobs/core-api/api-health-check.yaml'
agent: respect
event: schedule
interval: 7d
reportType: summary
email: ''
- path: '/arazzo-jobs/storefront-apis/api-tests.yaml'
agent: respect
event: schedule
interval: 1d
cleanupType: full
The following example adds a configuration containing inputs with secret values by adding a custom environment variable:
- path: '/arazzo-jobs/api-maintenance.yaml'
agent: respect
event: schedule
interval: 1m
apiKey: '{{ process.env.API_MAINTENANCE_KEY }}'
The following example adds server overrides to an Arazzo Description:
- path: '/arazzo-jobs/api-status.yaml'
agent: respect
event: schedule
interval: 1m
sourceDescriptionName: ''
The following example adds severity level overrides to an Arazzo Description:
- path: '/arazzo-jobs/api-status.yaml'
agent: respect
event: schedule
interval: 1m
statusCodeCheck: off
successCriteriaCheck: warn
schemaCheck: warn
contentTypeCheck: error
Related options
- You can set this option by environment (preview, development, production) using the
option, to allow builds to continue for development or preview builds, but not for production builds. - Grant access to Reunite by teams using the
configuration reference documentation.
- Learn more about Reunite, Redocly's cloud platform for creating, editing, previewing, and deploying your API documentation projects.
- Learn how to use
configuration options to track the performance of your APIs in Configure Respect Monitoring. - Subscribe to notifications for individual workflows using the Manage Respect Monitoring how-to documentation.