Last updated


Redirects allow you to change which resource a URL points to. Read about how to manage redirects for more explanation and examples. The configuration options are detailed below.


Sources map

/{source}Destination objectREQUIRED. Source is an absolute path that must start with a forward slash. It may be an exact path; for example: /sample/content/. Alternatively it may use a wildcard at the end of the absolute path; for example: /sample/*. The wildcard symbol (*) is only supported as the last path segment.

Destination object

tostringREQUIRED. Absolute path to the destination. It may be an exact path; for example: /new-url/. Alternatively, it may be a URL to an external resource; for example: If the source uses a wildcard, the destination may also use a wildcard at the end of the path to indicate that the matched part of the path should be used; for example /new-url/*,*. This option is not available for redirects defined in front matter.
typeintegerHTTP status code for the redirect. Default value: 301.


The following is an example of redirects configured in redocly.yaml:

    to: '/new-url/'
    to: '/new-url/'
    type: 307
    to: ''
    to: '/new-url/*'
