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Add a catalog

If you have many API definitions, a catalog is a more organized way to display your API definitions in your portal.

Screenshot of sample catalog

Add a catalog to your portal by completing the following steps:

  • Organize files: Organize your API definitions into one or more folders
  • Configure redocly.yaml: Add the catalog and navbar configurations to your redocly.yaml file

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following before you begin:

  • finalized versions of your API definitions
  • a redocly.yaml file in the root of your project

Organize files

To add a catalog to your portal, first you must organize your API definition files into one or more folders.

You can include however many folders you need and name your folder or folders anything you like. See Names for advice on naming.

The following is a sample file structure:

├── product-1
├── api-1.yaml
├── api-2.json
└── api-3.yaml
├── product-2
├── api-a.yaml
└── api-b.json
├── redocly.yaml
└── sidebars.yaml

After organizing your API definition files into folders, configure your catalog.

Configure redocly.yaml

Once you have organized your API definition files into one or more folders, you must configure the catalog and navbar options in your redocly.yaml file.

Configure catalog

To configure the catalog object:

  1. Add a name for your catalog under the catalog object. It does not appear anywhere in your portal.
  2. Add the following required options under your catalog name:
    • title: This title is the main heading on the catalog page.
          title: Acme API catalog
    • description: This description displays directly under the title on the catalog page.
          title: Acme API catalog
          description: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
    • slug: This is the path where you want the catalog to render. It can be anything as long as it matches the page or href option in the navbar object. Include a leading and trailing slash.
          title: Acme API catalog
          description: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
          slug: /acme-apis/
    • items: This object is a list of what files to include in the catalog. Add the following options:
      • directory: This required option is the path to the directory with files that should be included in the catalog.
      • flatten: (Optional) If set to true all API definition files, even those in subdirectories are included in the catalog. If set to false only top-level API definition files are included in the catalog as well as the first file from every subdirectory. By default, this option is set to false.
      • includeByMetadata: (Optional) This is a map of metadata properties used to restrict what files are included in the catalog. See Categories for more information.
          title: Acme API catalog
          description: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
          slug: /acme-apis/
            - directory: ./catalog
              flatten: true
                type: [openapi]
  3. (Optional) Add the following optional options under your catalog name:
    • titleTranslationKey: This option is the key you would use to translate the title for the catalog page. See Configure localization for more information.
    • descriptionTranslationKey: This option is the key you would use to translate the description for the catalog page. See Configure localization for more information.
    • filters: This object includes a set of options for filtering your APIs. See Categories for more information.
    • separateVersions: This option allows you to separate APIs with multiple versions into their own catalog items. This option defaults to false.
    • groupByFirstFilter: This option allows you to group APIs by the first filter they belong to. See Categories for more information.

Configure navbar

For your catalog to appear in the navbar at the top of the page, you must include it in the navbar configuration in your redocly.yaml file.

To configure the navbar item to include your catalog:

  1. Add the navbar object.
        title: Acme API catalog
        description: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
        slug: /acme-apis/
          - directory: ./catalog
  2. Add the items object under the navbar object.
        title: Acme API catalog
        description: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
        slug: /acme-apis/
          - directory: ./catalog
  3. Add either the page or href option with the value of your catalog's slug option. If you use the page option, and do not include the label option, the text for the button on the navbar will match the catalog's title option's value. If you use the href option, and do not include the label option, the text for the button on the navbar will match the href option's value. Otherwise, you can specify the text by using the label optional option.
        title: Acme API catalog
        description: Discover how our APIs can support your business.
        slug: /acme-apis/
          - directory: ./catalog
         - page: /acme-apis/
  4. (Optional) Add the following optional options:
    • label: This option is the text that appears on the button on the navbar for your catalog. If you do not include it, the value for the title option of your catalog is used.
    • labelTranslationKey: This option is used if you are translating the button text into a different language. See Configure localization for more information.
    • icon: This option is where you can put the path to an icon you want to appear next to your catalog's button text in the navbar.
    • external: This option causes a new tab to open when the user clicks the item in the navbar. This option is false by default.
    • linkedSidebars: This option allows you to add this item to pages on a specified sidebar or multiple sidebars. It is an array of relative paths to these sidebar files.

Example catalog and navbar configuration

The following catalog and navbar configuration includes a single catalog, with two filters, pulling definitions from the catalog folder in the root directory:

  image: ./images/logo.svg
  altText: My logo
  favicon: ./images/logo.svg
    title: Acme API catalog
    description: 'Discover how our APIs can support your business.'
    slug: /acme-apis/
      - directory: ./catalog
        flatten: false
      - title: Content type
        property: tags
        options: [Cats, Learning]
        type: checkboxes
      - title: API type
        property: REST
        missingCategoryName: SOAP
        type: select

      - page: /acme-apis/
        icon: ./images/logo.png
        external: true
          - ./catalog/sidebars.yaml
      - label: Other docs
        external: true
