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Static assets

You may want to host file types other than Markdown, YAML or .tsx in your portal. For example, images, PDF documents, or scripts - and reference them as additional resources in your portal pages.

For this purpose, a special folder called static is supported. This folder must be in the root of the project, and its name must be static without any additional characters.

The static folder can contain any number of sub-folders, so you can organize assets by type or any other desired criteria.

All files placed into the static folder are served directly from the project root. This allows you to dynamically reference them with absolute links. For example, if you had a file ./static/image.png, you would link to it with

Another example use case related to SEO is if you would like to store robots.txt in site root to make it available for different site crawlers, like

Ignore static folders and files

In some cases, you may want to exclude specific pages from portal builds without removing the source files from your project. You can exclude specific pages from portal builds by adding the relative path or glob pattern of the file or entire folder to the ignore configuration option in your redocly.yaml file.

To prevent broken links or potential build failures, make sure to remove any entries for the ignored page from your sidebars.yaml file. If other Markdown or TypeScript pages have links pointing to the excluded page, those links should be modified or removed prior to building the portal.

The file is automatically ignored when located in the project's root directory.