Last updated


To insert custom scripts in the head or body of a page.


head[Script object]Inserts scripts in the head tags of the page.
body[Script object]Inserts scripts before the close body tag of the page.

Script object

srcstringREQUIRED. URL or path to script.
asyncbooleanSpecifies to add the async attribute to the script tag. Default value: false.
crossoriginstringAdds the crossorigin attribute with corresponding value to the script tag.
deferbooleanSpecifies to add the defer attribute to the script tag. Default value: false.
fetchprioritystringAdds the fetchpriority attribute with corresponding value to the script tag. Possible values: high, low, or auto. Default value: auto.
integritystringAdds the integrity attribute with corresponding value to the script tag.
modulebooleanSpecifies to add the module attribute to the script tag. Default value: false.
nomodulebooleanSpecifies to add the nomodule attribute to the script tag. Default value: false.
noncestringAdds the nonce attribute with corresponding value to the script tag.
referrerpolicystringAdds the referrerpolicy attribute with corresponding value to the script tag. Possible values: no-referrer, no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url, ''. Default value: strict-origin-when-cross-origin (with fallback to '').
typestringAdds the type attribute with corresponding value to the script tag.


    - src: ''
    - src: ./scripts/script.js
    - src: ''
      crossorigin: anonymous
      defer: true

The example above will produce following script tags:

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="/static/script.abf4dc37439374dfa2.js"></script>
  <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" defer>
