Last updated


If you have multiple versions of content, you can organize that content into versioned folders (folder names must start with @) and that content is displayed with a version picker UI element that users can use to select the version. You can also add a versions.yaml file to set the default version and specify which versions should display.

The versionPicker configuration option allows you to hide the version picker or include the version picker even on content that does not have multiple versions.


hidebooleanSpecifies if the version picker should be hidden. Default: false.
showForUnversionedbooleanSpecifies if the version picker should be shown even for content that does not have multiple versions. Default: false.


The following configuration hides the version picker:

  hide: true

The following configuration shows the version picker even for unversioned content.

  showForUnversioned: true
  • Configure a product picker for multiple products using the products configuration reference documentation.
  • See the options for adding a language picker to your project in the l10n configuration reference documentation.


  • Learn how to configure your versions.yaml file to specify the default version to display in Add multiple versions.
  • Find out how to organize your project if you have multiple products in Add multiple projects.
  • Add a language picker if you have your content translated into multiple languages using Add localization.