Use the logo
section to display a custom logo in the portal navbar.
You must provide the path to the logo image as the value of the image
property in the logo object. The image file may be external or must exist in the portal project.
Option | Type | Description |
image | string | Conditionally required. URL or path to the image file (png or svg) of the logo. |
srcSet | string | Conditionally required. Comma-separated list of logo file paths and corresponding color mode. When configured, the logo changes when the user switches between color modes. |
altText | string | Alternate text for the logo. |
link | string | Logo link to a full URL including the protocol (for example, `https://www.redocly.com). |
favicon | string | URL or path to the favicon (png or svg). |
* Logo object must include either image
or srcSet
("mutually exclusive").
Logo from local asset
logo: image: ./images/logos/logo-example.svg altText: Amazing example logo link: "https://example.com" favicon: ./images/logos/favicon-example.svg
Logo from URL
logo: image: "https://example.com/logo-example.svg" altText: Amazing example logo link: "https://example.com" favicon: "https://example.com/favicon.ico"
Logo from srcSet
Used to configure logos for a specific color mode.
logo: srcSet: "./images/example-logo-light.svg light, ./images/example-logo-dark.svg dark" altText: Amazing example logo link: "https://example.com" favicon: ./images/logos/favicon-example.svg