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Configure the mock server in your Redocly-powered API documentation using mockServer. The mock server allows users to:

  • Send requests to the Operations in your API description from Replay, cURL, or any other API client.
  • Receive a sample response using information from the API description and input data.

By default, the mock server is enabled for each API description in your project. The path is configured as /_mock/<path-to-description>/. For example, /_mock/openapi/redocly-museum/.


offbooleanTurn off ("disable") the mock server. Defaults to false.



If true, example responses are returned unmodified, exactly how they're described in the API description.

If false, the mock server substitutes fields in the response payload with values provided in the request.

Defaults to false.



Controls the response behavior of the mock server when a forced example is not found.

If true, the mock server returns an error. If false, the mock server falls back to any other example defined for that operation.

Defaults to false.



Controls the position of the mock server in the servers dropdown in Redocly Replay.

Possible values:first, last, replace, off.

Defaults to first.

descriptionstringSet the description of the mock server in the servers dropdown in Redocly Replay. Defaults to Mock Server.


This example configures the mock server in the following ways:

  • Example response payloads don't substitute values from the request
  • Only the mock server is available on Replay's server list
  • The mock server is labeled as "Development server"
  strictExamples: true
  position: 'replace'
  description: 'Development Server'
