Last updated

Verify changes from remote content

When changes are made to remote content, a standard set of verification processes are performed. For changes to the default project branch or source, the production changes verification process is run. For remote content sources that support branching, the preview changes verification process is used for branches.

Check the Deploys section of your dashboard to view preview and production builds. This screen lets you access the previews and see the logs of the builds.

Preview changes verification

Preview changes verification is performed automatically whenever changes to remote content files come from a branch that isn't the default branch for this remote content source.

An overview of the automatic process is as follows:

  • A branch (for example x-feature) is created in the Redocly project's repository.
  • The changes from the remote source are applied on top of the Redocly project's default branch (default-branch).
  • A "Preview build" for x-feature branch is run to generate a preview of the site with the changes, and to check for errors.

Production changes verification

Production changes verification happens when the default branch of the remote content source has changes, or a remote content source that does not support branching (such as URL source) has changes.

An overview of the automatic process is as follows:

  • A branch (for example x-feature) is created in the Redocly project's repository.
  • The changes from the remote source are applied on top of the Redocly project's default branch (default-branch).
  • Create a pull request from x-feature to default-branch.
  • Run "Preview build" for x-feature branch to verify that changes do not break the project.
  • After verifying that the preview build was successful, Reunite automatically merges the open pull request (if Auto-merge is enabled) and starts a production build.

Additional notes

The autogenerated branches will be removed when:

  • the remote branch is deleted
  • the pull request is merged
