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Redocly Reunite CI/CD push GitHub Action

Use a GitHub Action for pushing remote content to the Redocly Reunite project. Users with their projects hosted in their own GitHub accounts, but without the Redocly GitHub application installed can use this action in the repository that holds the remote content to push their changes to the Reunite platform. This action has some advantages over using the push command because it also sets corresponding commit statuses for project deployments and scorecards.

The best way to get started with the GitHub action is to copy the code snippet presented to you when you add a remote content source to your project. When you add a new Remote from CI/CD, you'll be presented with a starter template for the action that you can use.


organizationstringREQUIRED. Your Redocly organization slug.
projectstringREQUIRED. Your Redocly project slug.
mountPathstringREQUIRED. Path to folder where you files should be pushed. For example src/docs/api.
filesstringREQUIRED. Files/folders list within your repo, separated by spaces. For example openapi-files src/redocly-museum.yaml.
githubTokenstringGitHub token for setting commit status. By default the existing ${{ github.token }} is used.
domainURLRedocly domain (if your Redocly app is hosted somewhere other than the default at
maxExecutionTimeintegerMax execution time in seconds. If the deployment is not successful within this time, the action will fail. Default value: '1200' (20 minutes)


This action requires authorization using an API key for your organization. See Manage organization-wide API keys to obtain and update your API key.

Store the API key as an environment variable called REDOCLY_AUTHORIZATION. The action will read this secret value from the environment when it executes.


This action requires:

  • contents: read - for reading files for push.
  • statuses: write - for writing commit statuses.


The following example shows a GitHub workflow that pushes a src/redocly-museum.yaml file from the remote content repo to the src/docs/museum folder inside an example-project in Reunite.

The action will run for pushes to any branch. But Redocly API will detect pushes to main branch and non main branch and triggers corresponding preview or production deployments.

name: Push to Redocly Reunite (GH Workflow Example)

      - '**'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      statuses: write
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Redocly Reunite push
        uses: redocly/reunite-push-action@v1
          organization: 'example-org'
          project: 'example-project'
          mountPath: 'src/docs/museum'
          files: 'src/redocly-museum.yaml'

When the action runs, it updates with the build statuses of any scorecards and the project itself.
