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Manage people

The People page is where you can manage users. If you are logged in to Reunite and have an Owner organization role, you can view and manage users from the People page in the following ways:

  • Invite users to your organization.
  • Assign or change their organization roles.
  • Add them to teams.
  • Remove them from the organization.

Only users with an Owner organization role can access the People page.

The People page does not include options for determining who has access to projects. Project access is determined by the permissions of the teams users are members of. See Configure RBAC for more information. By default, users with the Owner or Member organization role can access all projects from the organization Overview page, unless restricted by RBAC.

Invite people

Invite other users to your Reunite organization.

To directly invite people to your organization:

  1. Select People in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Click Send Invite.
  3. Enter the Email address of the user you are inviting.
  4. (Optional) Select Teams you want the user to be a member of.
  5. Select the organization Role you want to assign to the user.
  6. Click Send invite.

You can also give users single sign-on (SSO) access to your Reunite organization by adding an identity provider.

Manage pending invites

Cancel or resend invitations to your Reunite organization, if the original email was lost or it was sent by mistake.

To cancel an invitation to people to your organization:

  1. Select People in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Select the Invites tab.
  3. Click the more options menu icon in the Actions column for the invite and select Cancel.
  4. Click Yes.

To resend an invitation to people to your organization:

  1. Select People in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Select the Invites tab.
  3. Click the more options menu icon in the Actions column for the invite and select Resend.

Change organization role

Change the organization roles of other users in your Reunite organization. You may need to update another user's organization role to Owner, for instance, if you need to leave the organization and you are the only Owner. For more information on the organization roles see Roles and permissions.

To change the organization role of a person in your organization:

  1. Select People in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Click the current organization role listed in the Role column for the person.
  3. Select the new role from the list.

Add people to teams

Add other users to teams in your Reunite organization. Teams is a way to organize users and if you are using RBAC, you can grant permissions to the team that applies to all users included in the team.

Add team first

You must add your team before you can complete these steps. See Manage teams for more information.

To add a person to a team:

  1. Select People in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Click the more options menu icon in the Actions column for the person and select Add to team.
  3. Click into Teams text field and select team from list.
  4. Click Add.

Delete people from organization

Delete other users from your Reunite organization if they leave the company or no longer need access to the organization.

To delete a person from your organization:

  1. Select People in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.
  2. Click the more options menu icon in the Actions column for the person and select Delete from organization.
  3. Click Delete.
