Last updated

Reuse content

If you have content you want to reuse in other parts of your project, otherwise known as single sourcing, you can store the content in a _partials folder and use the Markdoc partials tag to render it anywhere you like. You can use a custom name for the folder, but it must be configured in your redocly.yaml file.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following before you begin:

  • A Realm project - either locally or in Reunite
  • (Optional) a redocly.yaml file in the root of your project

Create partial content folder

The first step in setting up content reuse in your project is to place the content you want to reuse in a _partials folder. Partial files do not need any particular front matter nor do they require special naming conventions. If you have images in your file, add an images folder to the _partials folder to store the images.

To reuse content it must be placed in a folder named _partials, unless you configure a different name in the redocly.yaml file.

Configure custom folder name

If you want to use a different name for your reused content other than the default value, _partials, add the following configuration with the preferred folder name to your redocly.yaml file:

    - snippets

In the example, partials can now be added to folders named snippets. You can add multiple names to the entry, if you have multiple folders you want to use for storing partials. After adding the partialsFolders configuration to your redocly.yaml file, the default _partials folder name will no long work unless added to the configuration.

Reference partial content

After you have added the content you want to reuse to a _partials folder, you can then reference the content in any Markdown files you have in your project to insert it.

Use the following Markdoc tag syntax to pull partial content into your Markdown documents:

{% partial file="_partials/" /%}

The file attribute should include the file path to the file in the _partials folder from the file where you are inserting the content.

  • Checkout Add links for information on how to configure links in your Realm project.
  • To learn more about adding redirects to your project, see Add redirects.
