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Add redirects

Redocly supports two ways of configuring redirects:

  • In the redocly.yaml config file, specifying source and destination. This approach is useful for maintaining lists of redirects after site or section migrations.
  • In the front matter of an individual page. Use the configuration in the front matter to preserve existing bookmarks by pointing multiple old URLs to the current location of the content.

Where redirects are configured in both locations, the front matter configuration takes priority.

Configure redirects in global config file

In redocly.yaml, add a redirects section and add entries within it for the pages that should be redirected. The following example shows two existing product pages being redirected to a new one:

    to: '/products/new-shiny'
    to: '/products/new-shiny'

The keys are the source absolute paths. Each one should begin with a /. Specify a to value for where to redirect to; you can optionally include a type field to set a custom status code.

Configure redirects in front matter

Redirects to the current page can be configured in the front matter. The to field is assumed to be the current page, so you only need to specify the URLs that should point to the current page, with an empty object. An example of redirecting two other pages to the current page is as follows:

  '/reference/settings-list/': {}
  '/reference/advanced/settings/': {}

You can set a type field if you need a specific HTTP status code response, but the default is 301 and is usually the correct value to use.

Redirect strategies

There are a few different types of redirects, the sections below describe what you can do. These examples use redocly.yaml to configure the redirects.

Redirect one page to another

Use paths to redirect individual pages, perhaps after restructuring site content. Here's an example taken from these docs:

    to: 'author/concepts/static-assets/'
    to: 'author/howto/add-openapi-docs/'

In this case, the pages have been moved to new directories. Adding the redirects means that anyone with the old URLs still reach the expected content.

Redirect to an external URL

When a page has moved to a separate site or domain, use a redirect to point to its new location. For example for a roadmap document hosted on an external service:

    to: ''

Redirect many paths to one page

Redirects support use of wildcards to match the last parts of a path. For example, if you restructured content from many pages in a directory into a single page called, you could create a redirect using a wildcard like the example below:

    to: '/book-on-one-page/'

Use this approach when you consolidate content, or want to redirect many URLs to the same resource.

Redirect a group of paths to the same structure at a new location

If you move a whole directory of content from one place to another, describe the first part of the path for the source and destination, and end both with a wildcard. For example, there are multiple pages in a folder named guides, but we renamed the folder to tutorials, the redirect rule would be as follows:

    to: '/tutorials/*'

All the pages, including nested pages, will be redirected. For example /guides/add-linting/ redirects to /tutorials/add-linting/ and guides/cli/previews/ redirects to /tutorials/cli/previews/.

If there's a specific redirect for a page that also matches a wildcard, then the specific redirect wins. For example if /guides/usernames has a redirect to /getting-started-with-users then that redirect will be used rather than the wildcard.

Manage the redirects list in a separate file

Redirects are managed in redocly.yaml, but if you have a lot of redirects or would find it easier to maintain the redirects data in a separate file, this can be achieved using the $ref syntax. For example, if you have a file named redirects.yaml with the following content:

  to: '/products/new-shiny'
  to: '/products/new-shiny'

Then those redirects can be included into the main redocly.yaml configuration file by adding the redirects key and a reference:

  $ref: './redirects.yaml'

The redirects are now included in the project configuration.