Review a pull request in Reunite
You can review a pull request by selecting the pull request from the list on the Pull requests page and clicking on the Review tab.
Before you begin
Make sure you have the following before you begin:
- a project in Reunite
- the member role in the organization for your project
You can't review a pull request if you are the author of the pull request.
Review visual and code diff
By default, the Visual review is displayed when you click on the Review tab. The visual review shows the rendered page before and after updates, so you can compare them visually.
You can click Code on the toggle to show the Markdown diff to see the text updates instead. If multiple pages were updated, only one of the pages displays, but you can select the other pages from the sidebar navigation menu in the preview to see them.
If you have finished reviewing a page you can click the Viewed checkbox to mark it, emphasizing the pages you haven't reviewed for you to focus on. Click the Review all button, to mark all pages as reviewed.
You can filter the files in the file tree on the left side of the page to find a specific page.
Add comments to reviews
When you are reviewing a pull request, you can leave feedback in the form of comments. You can review a pull request visually or using the code diff.
To add comments on a visual review or code diff:
Select the comments icon on the right side of the page.
Enter your feedback in the text field.
Select Comment.
To add line comments to a code diff:
Hover over the line numbers.
Click the plus icon.
Enter your feedback in the text field.
Select either of the following options:
- Add a single comment: Select this option if you only have one comment to add and do not want to complete a full review.
- Start a review: Select this option if you have multiple comments to add for a complete review.
For both visual and code reviews, you can use the toolbar at the top of the text field to format your description text, add links, or images.
Approve or request changes
After you have finished reviewing and commenting on the visual and text updates in a pull request, you complete your review by clicking the Review button, entering your final thoughts, and selecting one of the following options:
- Comment: Select this option if you left some feedback you would like reviewed on the pull request, but are not necessarily ready to approve it as it is.
- Approve: Select this option if you think the pull request is ready to be merged as is.
- Request changes: Select this option if you found some specific issues you would like addressed before you can approve the pull request.
You can use the toolbar at the top of the text field to format your review comment's text, add links, or images. To post your feedback to the pull request, click the Submit review button.
Merge a pull request
After a Ready for review pull request has been reviewed and approved and the checks have passed, you can click the Merge button.
You can click the Merge without requirements checkbox if you need to merge something quickly and are certain it won't introduce issues to the build.
After merging a pull request, you should see the updates in the main branch in the editor. Merging a pull request also triggers a deployment with the merged changes, publishing the updates to the production project.
Related how-tos
- Learn more about using the editor to create content in Markdown and Mardoc.
- If you are working on multiple projects, see Switch between projects.