Last updated


Use the push command with either the Reunite or Workflows families of products. Pick the section that relates to the product you use.

This command is used to push files from another location to a Reunite project.

The content is overwritten

The content of the destination folder (in other words the --mount-path) is overwritten every time changes are detected in comparison to the current content.

Before you begin

Have the following values ready to use with the push command:

Use the REDOCLY_AUTHORIZATION environment variable to set the API key. See the Manage API keys page in the documentation for details on how to get your API key in Reunite.

Command usage

REDOCLY_AUTHORIZATION=<api-key> redocly push <files> --organization <organizationSlug> --project <projectSlug> --mount-path <mountPath> --branch <branch> --message <message> --author <'Author Name <>'> [--commit-sha <sha>] [--commit-url <url>] [--created-at <commitCreationDate>] [--repository <repositoryId> ] [--namespace <repositoryOrg>] [--default-branch <repositoryDefaultBranch>] [--domain <domain>] [--wait-for-deployment] [--max-execution-time <timeInSeconds>] [--lint-config <warn | error | off>] [--verbose]

Command options

files[string]REQUIRED. List of folders and/or files to upload.
--organization, -ostringREQUIRED. Organization slug.
--project, -pstringREQUIRED. Project slug.
--mount-path, -mpstringREQUIRED. The path where the files are mounted in the project.
--branch, -bstringREQUIRED. The branch files are pushed from.
--author, -astringREQUIRED. The author of the push in the format: 'Author Name <>'.
--message, -mstringREQUIRED. The commit message for the push.
--commit-sha, -shastringCommit SHA.
--commit-url, -urlstringCommit URL.
--repositorystringRepository ID. Example: redocly-cli.
--namespacestringRepository owner/organization/workspace. Example: Redocly.
--created-atstringCommit creation date. Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+offset value. Example: 2024-02-20T14:26:26+02:00
--domainstringThe domain to which the files are pushed. Default value is
--default-branchstringThe default branch of the repository the push originates from. Default value is main.
--lint-configstringSeverity level for configuration file linting.
Possible values: warn, error, off. Default value is warn.
--max-execution-timenumberMaximum wait time for deployment completion in seconds (used in conjunction with the --wait-for-deployment option). Default value is 600.
--wait-for-deploymentbooleanWaits until the build is completed if it is in progress. Behaves the same as push-status command when passed. See push-status command. Default value is false.
--verbosebooleanVerbose output. Default value is false.
--helpbooleanHelp output for the command.


  • Maximum file size: 10 MB per file
  • Maximum number of files: 100

Example usage

Push files to the push-docs project in the default organization

The following command pushes the and docs/push.yaml files to the project with push-docs slug belonging to organization with redocly slug:

redocly push docs/push.yaml \
          --organization redocly \
          --project 'push-docs' \
          --mount-path 'docs/push' \
          --branch "docs/push-info" \
          --author "User <>" \
          --message "Add new docs"

Pushed files are added to an auto-generated preview branch with a -docs/push-info suffix. The committer is User <>, and the commit message is Add new docs. The files are added inside the docs/push folder in the project (the folder is created if it doesn't exist yet, if the folder does exist then the contents are overwritten).

Push file to the push-docs project in the default organization and wait until it is deployed

This command example does the same as the previous example, but waits until the preview deployment finishes due to passed --wait-for-deployment option:

redocly push docs/push.yaml \
          --organization default \
          --project 'push-docs' \
          --mount-path 'docs/push' \
          --branch "docs/push-info" \
          --author "User <>" \
          --message "Add new docs" \

The command returns when the deployment is completed.

Push files from a GitHub action to the push-docs project in the Docs organization and wait until it is deployed

The following command pushes the docs/museum.yaml file to the project push-docs in the Docs organization. It uses the variables available in the GitHub actions context to supply information to the destination.

npx @redocly/cli push docs/museum.yaml \
              --organization "Docs" \
              --project "push-docs" \
              --mount-path "/docs/remotes/cicd" \
              --default-branch "${{ github.event.repository.default_branch || github.event.repository.master_branch }}" \
              --branch "${{ github.ref_name }}" \
              --author "${{ }} <${{ }}>" \
              --commit-sha "${{ }}" \
              --commit-url "${{ github.event.head_commit.url }}" \
              --namespace "${{ github.event.repository.owner.login }}" \
              --repository "${{ }}" \
              --created-at "${{ github.event.head_commit.timestamp }}" \
              --message "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}" \

The docs/museum.yaml file from the repository the action is running on is added to the /docs/remotes/cicd folder. The change is made on behalf of the latest commit author and uses the most recent commit message.

The --commit-sha, --commit-url, --namespace, --repository options are used to attach the details of the push to the deployment and are also shown on the Reunite "Deployments" page. This information is useful in case you have multiple sources for the pushes.

Whenever a push is performed from the default branch (--branch "${{ github.ref_name }}" and equals to --default-branch "${{ github.event.repository.default_branch || github.event.repository.master_branch }}") - a production deployment starts automatically after a successful preview deployment. In this case the command waits for both deployments to finish.
