Last updated


Use this command to execute API tests described in an Arazzo description.


npx @redocly/cli@latest respect <your-test-file | multiple files | files bash query> [-w | --workflow] [-s | --skip] [-v | --verbose] [-i | --input] [-S | --server] [-H | --har-output] [-J | --json-output]


Option Type Description
-w, --workflow[string]Workflow names from the test file to run. For example, the following command runs "first-flow" and "second-flow" workflows from the test-file.yaml Arazzo description: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --workflow first-flow second-flow.

The --workflow option can't be used with --skip.

-s, --skip[string]Workflow names from the test file to skip. For example, the following command skips the "first-flow" workflow from the test-file.yaml Arazzo description: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --skip first-flow.

The --skip option can't be used with --workflow.

-v, --verbosebooleanRuns the command in verbose mode to help with troubleshooting issues. For example, the following command runs all workflows from the test-file.yaml Arazzo description in verbose mode: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --verbose.
--har-outputstringPath for the har file for saving logs. For example, the following command runs all workflows from the test-file.yaml Arazzo description and saves the logs to the logs.har file: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --har-output='logs.har'.
--json-outputstringPath for the JSON file for saving logs. For example, the following command runs all workflows from the test-file.yaml Arazzo description and saves the logs to the logs.json file:npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --json-output='logs.json'.



Input parameters with values that are mapped to the workflow inputs description. For example, the following command maps the "userEmail" and "userPassword" inputs and values to all workflows in the test.yaml Arazzo description: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test.yaml --input --input userPassword=12345. You can also use an environment variable to set the input, as in the following example: REDOCLY_CLI_RESPECT_INPUT=',userPassword=12345' npm run cli respect test.yaml

You can even include nested values, as in the following example command that maps the nestedKey input and value to all workflows in the test-file.yaml Arazzo description: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --input '{"key": "value", "nested": {"nestedKey": "nestedValue"}}'. You can also use an environment variable to set the input, as in the following example: REDOCLY_CLI_RESPECT_INPUT='{"key":"value","nested":{"nestedKey":"nestedValue"}}' npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml



Server overrides for the sourceDescriptions object. For example, the following command runs all workflows from the test-file.yaml Arazzo description and instead of using the server listed in the API description, uses the server at npx @redocly/cli@latest respect test-file.yaml --server test=

You can also pass the server overrides as an environment variable, as in the following example: REDOCLY_CLI_RESPECT_SERVER="test=".



Severity of the check. Customize the severity level of validation checks for status codes, schemas, and content types. Setting the severity level is useful when:

  • You're actively developing your API and want to temporarily relax validation.
  • You're testing new API behavior that doesn't match the current schema.
  • You've encountered known issues that shouldn't block test execution.
  • You want to treat certain validation failures as warnings instead of errors.

The following checks can be configured:

  • STATUS_CODE_CHECK: Verifies if the status code returned with API responses matches the statuses described in the provided OpenAPI description.
  • SCHEMA_CHECK: Verifies if the response body schema matches what is defined in the provided OpenAPI description.
  • SUCCESS_CRITERIA_CHECK: Verifies if the success criteria defined in the provided Arazzo description has been met.
  • CONTENT_TYPE_CHECK: Verifies if the Content-Type matches what is defined in the provided OpenAPI description.

The following severity values are available:

  • error: Validation failures cause the workflow to fail.
  • warn: Validation failures appear as warnings but don't fail the workflow.
  • off: Validation checks still run, but their results are ignored.

Setting the severity of a check to off does not prevent the check from executing - it only prevents the check's results from affecting the workflow outcome.

For example, the following command sets status code errors to the warning severity level: npx @redocly/cli respect test-file.yaml --severity='{"STATUS_CODE_CHECK":"warn"}'.


  • Run the tests by running the following command: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect <your-test-file>.
  • Run multiple tests by running the following command: npx @redocly/cli@latest respect <your-test-file-one> <your-test-file-two>.
  • Run multiple tests by running the following command with bash selector : npx @redocly/cli@latest respect $(find ./path-to-tests-folder -type f -name '*.arazzo.yaml').

Example output

Running workflow warp.arazzo.yaml / missionLostInvention

 POST /anchors - step setAnchorToCurrentTime
    ✓ status code check (Response code 201 matches one of description codes: [201, 409])
    ✓ content-type check
    ✓ schema check

 POST /timelines - step createTimelineTo1889
    ✓ status code check (Response code 201 matches one of description codes: [201])
    ✓ content-type check
    ✓ schema check

 POST /travels - step travelTo1889
    ✓ status code check (Response code 200 matches one of description codes: [200, 400])
    ✓ content-type check
    ✓ schema check

 POST /items - step findAndRegisterBlueprint
    ✓ status code check (Response code 200 matches one of description codes: [200, 409])
    ✓ content-type check
    ✓ schema check

 POST /paradox-checks - step avoidParadox
    ✓ success criteria check
    ✓ success criteria check
    ✓ status code check (Response code 200 matches one of description codes: [200, 400])
    ✓ content-type check
    ✓ schema check

 POST /travels - step returnToPresent
    ✓ status code check (Response code 200 matches one of description codes: [200, 400])
    ✓ content-type check
    ✓ schema check

  Summary for warp.arazzo.yaml
  Workflows: 1 passed, 1 total
  Steps: 6 passed, 6 total
  Checks: 20 passed, 20 total
  Time: 1060ms

 Filename Workflows Passed Failed Warnings Skipped
 warp.arazzo.yaml 1 1 - - -
