Last updated



The split command takes an API description file and creates a multi-file structure out of it by extracting referenced parts into standalone, separate files. Code samples, components, and paths are split from the root API description into separate files and folders. The structure of the unbundled directory corresponds to the structure created by our openapi-starter tool. The advantage of this approach is making smaller files that are easier to manage and a structure that makes reviewing simpler.

Use the bundle command and supply the main file as the entrypoint to get your OpenAPI description in one file. Many OpenAPI tools prefer a single file, but split and bundle allow you to manage your files easily for development, and then prepare a single file for other tools to consume.

OpenAPI 3.x only

The split command doesn't support OpenAPI 2.0 descriptions.


redocly split <api> --outDir=<path>
redocly split [--help] [--version]
redocly split --version


apistringREQUIRED. Path to the API description file that you want to split into a multi-file structure.
--configstringSpecify path to the configuration file.
--helpbooleanShow help.
--lint-configstringSpecify the severity level for the configuration file.
Possible values: warn, error, off. Default value is warn.
--outDirstringREQUIRED. Path to the directory where you want to save the split files. If the specified directory doesn't exist, it is created automatically.
--separatorstringFile path separator used while splitting. The default value is _. This controls the file names generated in the paths folder (e.g. /users/create path becomes user_create.yaml).
--versionbooleanShow version number.


View successful split message

This split command "unbundles" the specified API description, as defined in pet.yaml, into the openapi output directory:

redocly split pet.yaml --outDir=openapi

A confirmation message is displayed with a successful split:

Document: pet.yaml is successfully split
 and all related files are saved to the directory: openapi

pet.yaml: split processed in 33ms