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Redocly CLI quickstart guide

Take your first steps with the Redocly CLI by following the steps in this guide.

Before you start:

  • Install the Redocly CLI if you haven't already
  • Create a new project folder and cd into the folder
  • If you have an OpenAPI description to use, copy it into your project (we assume it's called openapi.yaml), or try our example

There's also an openapi-starter repository that you can clone and experiment with to get your bearings

Preview API documentation

Redocly CLI has support for showing a preview of Redoc rendering your API docs, which updates when the API description updates. Run the command:

redocly preview-docs openapi.yaml

The redocly preview-docs command triggers the creation of the doc preview for your API descriptions on your local machine. Once the doc preview has been generated, a url is printed as output to the CLI, as seen in the example below.

The API Doc preview takes a few moments to build. Upon completion, it provides the host and port where the preview server runs - typically http://localhost:8080.

Preview-docs command output
Using Redoc community edition.
Login with redocly login or use an enterprise license key to preview with the premium docs.

  🔎  Preview server running at

  👀  Watching openapi-starter/openapi/openapi.yaml and all related resources for changes


Created a bundle for openapi-starter/openapi/openapi.yaml successfully
GET /: 18.123ms
GET /simplewebsocket.min.js: 4.256ms
GET /hot.js: 4.765ms
GET /openapi.json: 1.73ms
GET /favicon.ico: 1.556ms

Open that URL in your browser, and admire your lovely API documentation!

Preview of API documentation

Lint an OpenAPI description

Linting helps create consistent API descriptions and helps you avoid bugs, leading to a smoother developer experience. Using linting as part of your API workflow optimizes maintainability, facilitates ease of onboarding, and increases the adoption of the API.

The lint command is used to check that the OpenAPI description is compliant with a set of rules. To get started using a default ruleset, try the following command:

redocly lint --extends minimal openapi.yaml

The command uses a minimal ruleset to lint the API description, and outputs a report of whether the API met the expected standard, as shown in the following example:

validating openapi-starter/openapi/openapi.yaml...
[1] openapi-starter/openapi/openapi.yaml:72:10 at #/servers/1/url

Server `url` should not point to or localhost.

70 |         default: www
71 |         description: Your tenant id
72 |   - url:
73 | paths:
74 |   '/users/{username}':

Warning was generated by the rule.

openapi-starter/openapi/openapi.yaml: validated in 109ms

Woohoo! Your API description is valid. 🎉
You have 1 warning.

The output shows any aspects where the OpenAPI doesn't meet the standard. If you get too much output, try adding the --format summary parameter to the command.

Feeling brave and highly API compliant? Try the recommended standard instead and see how yours measures up.

Craft a custom ruleset

Redocly CLI has some great built-in rules, and you can use these to build up a ruleset that works for you.

For example, let's build a lightweight ruleset using the minimal ruleset and adding some built-in rules to create a custom ruleset. You can see an example in the following snippet:

 - minimal

  path-parameters-defined: error
  operation-operationId: error
  paths-kebab-case: warn

By taking the existing ruleset and adding some rule configuration, we can alter the rules and make a ruleset that suits our use case. Use this example as a starting point and then iterate to create a configuration that fits your needs.

Next steps

After this quick tour of Redocly CLI, you can spend more time in the areas that interest you. Try one of the following: