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Block search indexing

Use the noindex rule to block search indexing for your entire project or specific pages.

The noindex rule tells search engines that the page or pages shouldn't be indexed, or included in searches. When a page is not indexed, search engines don't return it in search results.

The noindex rule only applies to external search engines that support it. It does not provide the following capabilities:

  • Block pages from in-site search, which is controlled by the excludeFromSearch option.
  • Block users from accessing the page, which is controlled by RBAC.

See the Block Search indexing with noindex Google article for more information on the noindex rule.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following before you begin:

  • a redocly.yaml configuration file if blocking search indexing for an entire project

Set noindex meta tag

You can set the noindex rule for an entire project or specific pages using the <meta> tag.

This approach adds the following meta tag to the <head> section of a pages' HTML: <meta name="robots" content="noindex">.

For an entire project

To block indexing for the pages of an entire project using meta tags, you need to configure the seo.meta option in the redocly.yaml configuration file, as in the following example:

    - name: robots
      content: noindex

For specific pages

To block indexing for a specific page (or set of pages) using meta tags, you need to configure the seo.meta option in the page (or pages') front matter, as in the following example:

    - name: robots
      content: noindex

Set noindex response header

You can set the noindex rule for an entire project or specific pages using an HTTP response header.

This approach adds the following header to a pages' HTTP response: X-Robots-Tag: noindex.

For an entire project

To block indexing for the pages of an entire project using a response header, use the responseHeaders option in the redocly.yaml configuration file to add a custom header for all routes, as in the following example:

    - name: X-Robots-Tag
      value: noindex

For specific pages

To block indexing for specific page(s) of a project, use the responseHeaders option in the redocly.yaml configuration file to add a custom header for those page routes, as in the following example:

    - name: X-Robots-Tag
      value: noindex
    - name: X-Robots-Tag
      value: noindex

Test noindex with browser tools

To see if the noindex rule has been applied properly to your page or site, use your browser's developer tools to inspect the page.

  • If noindex is set with a meta tag, you'll see it in the Elements tab in the <head> section.
  • If noindex is set with HTTP response headers, you'll see it in the Network --> Headers tab of the HTTP request.

You may need to do a hard refresh of the page to see these results.


  • Learn how to Add a sitemap to your project, to improve how search engines crawl your site.
  • To exclude an API or all APIs from Realm's internal search, see Exclude API from search.
  • Check out how to Add a custom domain to your project, personalizing your URL to reflect your brand.
  • See the seo configuration reference for more metadata configuration options.
  • Check out the Front matter configurations options reference for configuration options only available in Markdown front matter.