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Configure navigation on the footer

You can configure navigation on the footer of your portal by updating the copyright info, and adding links with or without icons to markdown or external pages.

You can add a footer to your portal site with your copyright info by configuring it in your redocly.yaml file.

To add copyright info to your footer:

  1. If you don't already have a redocly.yaml file, create one and add it to the root of your project.
  2. Add the footer object, and the copyrightText option with the value for your copyright text. For example, the following configuration adds a footer with "Copyright © Redocly 2019-2023. All right reserved." copyright text:
      copyrightText: Copyright © Redocly 2019-2023. All right reserved.

Footer items can be added in the redocly.yaml file. These items are similar to items added to the sidebars.yaml file.

To add links to your footer:

  1. If you don't already have a redocly.yaml file, create one and add it to the root of your project.
  2. Add the group object, under the items object. For example, the following configuration adds a footer with a "Legal" group:
        - group: Legal
  3. (Optional) Add the groupTranslationKey option. For example, the following configuration adds a footer with a "Legal" group with as the translation key:
        - group: Legal
  4. Add the items object under the group object and the page or href options with the value of the file paths for the items you are including. For example, the following configuration adds a footer with a "Legal" group that includes a link to the Markdown file with link text that is the first heading on the page:
        - group: Legal
            - page:
  5. (Optional) Add the following optional options to the items in your footer group:
    • label: This option is the link text that appears on the footer for the page. If you don't include it, the first heading of the Markdown page will be used for the page option, or the value for the href option will be used.
    • labelTranslationKey: This option is used if you are translating the link text into a different language. See Configure localization for more information.
    • external: This option causes a new tab to open when the user clicks the item in the footer. This option is false by default.
    • icon: This option allows you to add an icon that displays next to your link text in the footer. The value is the file path to the icon file. For example, the following configuration includes a footer with three groups: Legal, Support, and Social. The Legal group's items are all external links and the Social group's items are all external:
      copyrightText: Copyright © Redocly 2019-2022. All right reserved.
        - group: Legal
            - label: Terms of Use
              href: ''
              icon: ./images/logo.png
            - label: Privacy Notice
              href: ''
              icon: ./images/logo.png
            - label: Cookie Notice
              href: ''
              icon: ./images/logo.png
        - group: Support
            - label: FAQ
            - label: Contact Us
        - group: Social
            - label: Facebook
              href: ''
              external: true
            - label: Youtube
              href: ''
              external: true
            - label: Twitter
              href: ''
              external: true