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Configure sidebar groups

Use groups to organize related content into a nested navigation structure in your sidebar. Groups can contain all supported sidebar elements, including other groups.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following before you begin:

  • A Realm project with enough Markdown files to organize into groups

Add group to sidebar

To add a group to the sidebar:

  1. Add a group object to your sidebars.yaml file.
  2. Use the items property to add page entries, as in the following example:
- group: Museum Policies
  - page: policies/
    label: About the Museum
  - page: policies/
    label: Museum FAQ

Groups can also contain other sidebar elements or other nested groups, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Policies
  - page: policies/
    label: About the Museum
  - page: policies/
    label: Museum FAQ
  - group: External Resources
    - href:
      label: Smithsonian Resources
    - href:
      label: American Alliance of Museums

Configure navigation behavior

Groups can optionally open pages when clicked. There are two configurations:

  • Navigate to a group's landing page.
  • Navigate to the first entry in the group.

Open group landing page

When a page is assigned to a group, clicking the group expands the group's elements and opens that group's page.

Set a group's page using the page property on the group object, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Policies
  page: policies/
  - page: policies/
    label: About the Museum
  - page: policies/
    label: Museum FAQ

In this example, clicking Museum Policies in the sidebar:

  • Expands the group's elements
  • Museum Policies is focused in sidebar
  • Opens

However, if the file is named something other than, then the filename resolves to the url, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Policies
  page: policies/
  - page: policies/
    label: Museum FAQ

In this example, clicking the Museum Policies in the sidebar:

  • Expands the group's elements
  • Museum Policies is focused in sidebar
  • Opens

Open first page in group

Groups can be configured so that clicking the group expands the group's elements and opens the first page in the group.

Set this group behavior using the selectFirstItemOnExpand property, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Policies
  selectFirstItemOnExpand: true
  - page: policies/
    label: About the Museum
  - page: policies/
    label: Museum FAQ

In this example, clicking the Museum Policies in the sidebar:

  • Expands the group's elements
  • Sidebar focus drops to About the Museum entry
  • Opens

Configure expand behavior

Groups are "expandable", meaning they can expand and collapse to reveal or hide their elements. That behavior can be configured.

Set the expanded property to change a group's expand behavior, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Policies
  expanded: true
  - page: policies/
    label: About the Museum
  - page: policies/
    label: Museum FAQ

In this example, the Museum Policies group is automatically expanded when the page opens.

There are three settings available: true, false, and always. Learn more about them on the sidebars reference page.

Organize with separators

Separators are static sidebar entries used for organizing your sidebar content into distinct sections They can be especially useful with groups.

Add a text separator

Text separators add custom text to the sidebar and work well as section titles.

Add text separators to your groups using the separator option, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Exhibits
  - separator: Paintings
  - page: exhibits/
  - page: exhibits/
  - separator: Fossils
  - page: exhibits/fossils/
  - page: exhibits/fossils/ 

Add a line separator

Line separators add horizontal line breaks between items. They can be added as direct sidebar entries or a property on a group.

Add line separators as entries, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Exhibits
  - separator: Paintings
  - page: exhibits/
  - page: exhibits/
  - separatorLine: true
  - separator: Fossils
  - page: exhibits/fossils/
  - page: exhibits/fossils/ 

Add line separators to groups, as in the following example:

- group: Museum Exhibits
  separatorLine: true
  - group: Paintings
    separatorLine: true
    - page: exhibits/
    - page: exhibits/
  - group: Fossils
    - page: exhibits/fossils/
    - page: exhibits/fossils/ 
