Last updated

Built-in rules

The built-in rules are the ones we use ourselves and think apply to the majority of APIs. Some have some additional configuration, but otherwise all you need to do is decide whether each rule should error, warn or be off.

All the built-in rules are listed here, roughly grouped by the OpenAPI object they apply to. The Special rules group contains rules that may apply to multiple objects or to the entire OpenAPI document.

Build configurable rules if the rule you need isn't listed.

Rules for each API description format

Redocly CLI can lint multiple API description formats:

Visit each page for details of what the rule does, additional configuration options, and examples of it in use.

OpenAPI rules

The rules list is split into sections.

Special rules





Requests, Responses, and Schemas



AsyncAPI rules

Use the rules in this section for AsyncAPI-specific linting. Other rules such as the spec and info.* rules also apply to AsyncAPI.

Arazzo rules

Within the Arazzo family of rules, there are rules for the main Arazzo specification format, and some additional rules for extensions supported by Respect, the Redocly testing utility.


Respect [ deprecated ]

The below rules are being migrated to Respect:
