Last updated



The preview command starts a local preview server for a Redocly project. Use the preview to develop your project locally before deployment.


This command is for our pre-release products, currently open for early access to a small number of users. Announcements regarding the release are made through our mailing list.


redocly preview
redocly preview --product=revel
redocly preview --product=reef --plan=pro
redocly preview --product=reef --plan=pro --source-dir=./my-docs-project --port=4001


--helpbooleanShows help.
--planstringProduct plan to use in preview.
Possible values: pro, enterprise. The default value is enterprise.
--productstringName of a project to preview the product with.
Possible values: redoc, revel, reef, realm, redoc-revel, redoc-reef, revel-reef. The default value is autodetected from the project's package.json or realm is used.
--source-dir, -dstringPath to the project directory. The default value is . (current directory).
--portnumberThe port to run the preview server on. The default value is 4000.
--versionbooleanShows version number.


Select a product for preview

Specify the product package to use by setting a --product argument. If this setting is not supplied, the preview command tries to guess which package to use from the project's package.json or use realm by default.

redocly preview --product=revel

Select a plan for preview

Previews are run in enterprise plan mode by default. This mode makes all of the enterprise features available. Switch the preview to pro plan mode by setting --plan to pro.

redocly preview --plan=pro

Specify project directory

The preview command uses the current directory by default. To specify another directory, provide a path to it relative to the current directory:

redocly preview --source-dir=./path/to/my/docs/

Custom port for preview

The preview starts on port 4000 by default, so you can access the docs at http://localhost:4000 or

To specify a custom port for the preview, pass the desired value using a port option:

redocly preview --port=8080