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With the preview-docs command, you can generate documentation previews for API descriptions on your local machine. Use the previews to develop your API descriptions locally before deployment.

If you have a license key or API key configured, the output is a preview of the premium Redocly API reference docs. Otherwise, it is a preview of Redoc community edition.


To preview docs using the premium Redocly API reference docs, you must first authenticate to the API registry with the login command.


redocly preview-docs <api>
redocly preview-docs <api> [--config=<path>] [--port=<value>] [--host=<host>]
redocly preview-docs <api> [--force] [--help] [--version]
redocly preview-docs <api> --version


apistringPath to the API description filename or alias that you want to generate the preview for. Refer to the API section for more details.
--configstringSpecify path to the configuration file.
--force, -fbooleanGenerate preview output even when errors occur.
--helpbooleanShow help.
--host, -hstringThe host where the documentation preview can be accessed. The default value is
--lint-configstringSpecify the severity level for the configuration file.
Possible values: warn, error, off. Default value is warn.
--port, -pintegerThe port where the documentation preview can be accessed. You can set any port number over 1024 as long as it is not already being used. The default value is port 8080.
--skip-decorator[string]Ignore certain decorators.
--skip-preprocessor[string]Ignore certain preprocessors.
--use-community-editionbooleanUse Redoc Community Edition for docs preview.
--versionbooleanShow version number.


Specify API

The preview-docs command behaves differently depending on how you pass the API to it, and whether the configuration file exists.

Pass an API directly

redocly preview-docs openapi/openapi.yaml

In this case, preview-docs previews the API description that was passed to the command. Any configuration file is ignored.

Pass an API alias

Instead of a full path, you can use an API name from the apis section of your Redocly configuration file. For example, with a redocly.yaml configuration file containing the following entry for core@v1:

    root: ./openapi/api-description.json

You can generate a preview by giving the API alias name, as shown below:

redocly preview-docs core@v1

In this case, after resolving the path behind the core@v1 name, preview-docs generates a preview of the api-description.json file. For this approach, the Redocly configuration file is mandatory.

Use alternative configuration file

By default, the CLI tool looks for the Redocly configuration file in the current working directory. Use the optional --config argument to provide an alternative path to a configuration file:

redocly preview-docs --config=./another/directory/config.yaml

Use custom port for preview

By default, without using the port option, the preview starts on port 8080, so you can access the docs at http://localhost:8080

To specify a custom port for the preview, pass the desired value using either short or long option format:

redocly preview-docs -p 8888 openapi/openapi.yaml

Both commands start the preview on port 8888, so you can access the docs at http://localhost:8888.

Use custom host for preview

By default, without using the host option, the preview starts on host, so you can access the docs at or http://localhost:8080.

To specify a custom host for the preview, pass the desired value using either short or long option format:

redocly preview-docs -h openapi/openapi.yaml

Both commands start the preview on host, so you can access the docs at

Skip preprocessor or decorator

You may want to skip specific preprocessors, rules, or decorators upon running the command.

redocly preview-docs --skip-preprocessor=discriminator-mapping-to-one-of --skip-preprocessor=another-example