Last updated




The join command is considered an experimental feature. This means it's still a work in progress and may go through major changes.

The join command supports OpenAPI 3.x descriptions only.

Maintainers of multiple API descriptions can benefit from storing each endpoint as a standalone API description file. However, this approach is not supported by the majority of OpenAPI tools, as they require a single API description file. With Redocly CLI, you can solve this problem by using the join command to combine two or more API description files into a single one.

The join command differs from the bundle command. The bundle command takes a root OpenAPI file as input and follows the $ref mentions to include all the referenced components into a single output file. The join command can combine multiple OpenAPI files into a single unified API description file.

To easily distinguish the origin of OpenAPI objects and properties, you can optionally instruct the join command to prepend custom prefixes to them.

The join command accepts both YAML and JSON files, which you can mix in the resulting openapi.yaml or openapi.json file. Setting a custom name and extension for this file can be achieved by providing it through the --output argument. Any existing file is overwritten. If the --output option is not provided, the command uses the extension of the first entry point file.

Apart from providing individual API description files as the input, you can also specify the path to a folder that contains multiple API description files and match them with a wildcard (for example, myproject/openapi/*.(yaml/json)). The join command collects all matching files and combines them into one file.

We recommend running lint before joining API descriptions to ensure that they are valid and meet the expected standards. You may also want to use decorators to add any filtering or transformation needed for your API descriptions, either before or after combining.


redocly join <api> <api>...
redocly join <api> <api>... -o <outputName>
redocly join [--help] [--prefix-components-with-info-prop] [--prefix-tags-with-info-prop] [--prefix-tags-with-filename]

redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.yaml
redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.json
redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.json -o openapi-custom.yaml
redocly join ./*.yaml
redocly join --version


apis[string]REQUIRED. 1. Array of paths to API description files that you want to join. At least two input files are required.
2. A wildcard pattern to match API description files within a specific folder.
--configstringSpecify path to the configuration file.
--helpbooleanShow help.
--lint-configstringSpecify the severity level for the configuration file.
Possible values: warn, error, off. Default value is warn.
--output, -ostringName for the joined output file. Defaults to openapi.yaml or openapi.json (depends on the extension of the first input file). If the file already exists, it's overwritten. See the specify output file section.
--prefix-components-with-info-propstringPrefix components with property value from info object. See the resolve conflicting component names section.
--prefix-tags-with-filenamebooleanPrefix tags with property value from file name. See the prefix tags with filename section.
--prefix-tags-with-info-propstringPrefix tags with property value from info object. See the prefix tags with specified info property section.
--versionbooleanShow version number.
--without-x-tag-groupsbooleanSkip automated x-tagGroups creation. See the avoid tag duplication section.

These options are mutually exclusive: without-x-tag-groups, prefix-tags-with-filename, and prefix-tags-with-info-prop.


Specify an array of paths

This command combines the API description files that are passed in:

redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.json

The output file openapi.yaml is created in the working directory:

The order of input files affects how their content is processed. The first provided file is always treated as the "main" file, and its content has precedence over other input files when combining them. Specifically, the following properties of the API description are always taken only from the first input file:


By default, the info.description property is taken only from the first file, even if it exists in other input files.

However, if any of the input files contain the tags object, the join command automatically creates the x-tagGroups object in the output file.

  - name: first-api
      - expanded
      - other
  - name: second-api
      - partner

Use the --without-x-tag-groups option to skip the creation and population of x-tagGroups in the output file.

If some operations in an input file don't have a tag assigned to them, the join command automatically adds the other tag to those operations in the output file. The other tag is also included in the x-tagGroups object.

If any of the input files contain the x-tagGroups object, the content of this object is ignored by the join command and not included in the output file.

The info.title field is used as a name in x-tagGroups instead of a file name for the join command, so you can join files with the same names. If you need to adjust the info.title field, you can also use the info-override decorator.

The servers object combines the content from all input files, starting with the content from the first file. Commented lines are not included in the output file.

Path names and component names must be unique in all input files, but their content doesn't have to be unique for the join command to produce the output file. For each path item object, only the operation ID must be unique.

If the join command detects any conflicting content while trying to combine the input files, it displays informative messages about the conflicts and exits without creating an output file. To prevent this, use optional parameters to add prefixes to tags and components.

Conflict on tags => all : tickets in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml

1 conflict(s) on tags.
Suggestion: please use prefix-tags-with-filename, prefix-tags-with-info-prop or without-x-tag-groups to prevent naming conflicts.

Conflict on paths => /tickets : get in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml
Conflict on paths => /tickets : post in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml
Conflict on paths => operationIds : listEvents in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml
Conflict on paths => operationIds : createEvent in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml
Conflict on paths => operationIds : getEvent in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml
Conflict on paths => /tickets/{Id} : get in files: museum.yaml,exhibition.yaml

Please fix conflicts before running join.

Prefix tags with specified info property

If any of the input files contain the tags object, tags in the output file are prefixed by the selected property from the info object of the corresponding input file.

The output file preserves the original tag names as the value of the x-displayName property for each tag.

This command uses the title property as the prefix:

redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.json --prefix-tags-with-info-prop title

The following is the example output:

- name: First Document title_endpoints
  description: endpoints tag description
  x-displayName: endpoints

- name: Second document title_events
  description: events tag description
  x-displayName: events

Prefix tags with filename

If any of the input files contain the tags object, tags in the output file are prefixed by the filename of the corresponding input file.

The output file preserves the original tag names as the value of the x-displayName property for each tag.

This command sets the --prefix-tags-with-filename option:

redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.json --prefix-tags-with-filename true

The following is the example output:

- name: first-api_endpoints
  description: endpoints tag description
  x-displayName: endpoints

- name: second-api_events
  description: events tag description
  x-displayName: events

Avoid tag duplication

If you have the same tags in multiple API descriptions, you can avoid tag duplication by using the without-x-tag-groups option. In this case, the x-tagGroups property is not created in the joined file.

This command sets the --without-x-tag-groups option:

redocly join first-api.yaml second-api.json --without-x-tag-groups

The tag description is taken from the first file that contains the tag. You may see a warning about conflicts in the command output:

warning: 1 conflict(s) on tags description.

openapi.yaml: join processed in 69ms

Resolve conflicting component names

If any of the input files have conflicting component names, this option can be used to resolve that issue and generate the output file. All component names in the output file are prefixed by the selected property from the info object of the corresponding input file(s).

This command uses the version property as the prefix:

redocly join museum_v1.yaml museum_v2.json --prefix-components-with-info-prop version

The following is the example output:

      description: Request payload used for purchasing museum tickets.
      type: object
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.0.0_TicketType'
          description: >-
            Unique identifier for a special event. Required if purchasing
            tickets for the museum's special events.
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.0.0_1.0.0_EventId'
          description: Date that the ticket is valid for.
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.0.0_1.0.0_Date'
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.0.0_Email'
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.0.0_Phone'
        - ticketType
        - ticketDate
        - email
      description: Request payload used for purchasing museum tickets.
      type: object
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.2.0_TicketType'
          description: >-
            Unique identifier for a special event. Required if purchasing
            tickets for the museum's special events.
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.2.0_1.2.0_EventId'
          description: Date that the ticket is valid for.
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.2.0_1.2.0_Date'
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.2.0_Email'
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/1.2.0_Phone'
        - ticketType
        - ticketDate
        - email

Specify output file

By default, the CLI tool writes the joined file as openapi.yaml or openapi.json in the current working directory. Use the optional --output argument to provide an alternative output file path.

redocly join --output=openapi-custom.yaml