Last updated

Image Tag Redocly Custom Tag

The image tag allows you to embed images into your content with various customization options.

Syntax and usage

Use the image tag to include images. Customize with attributes like src, alt, width, and height.

{% img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Description of image" width="300" height="200" %}


srcstringConditionally required. The source URL of the image.
srcSetstringConditionally required. A set of source URLs to use for different color modes.
altstringDescriptive text that provides context for the image to help with accessibility and people with visual impairments or who use assistive technologies to understand the content of images.
classNamestringCSS class to apply to the image.
widthstring | numberSets the width of the image. Accepts:
  • Numbers (treated as pixels, e.g., width=300 → "300px")
  • String values with units (e.g., "100%", "300px", "20rem", "50vw")
heightstring | numberSets the height of the image. Accepts:
  • Numbers (treated as pixels, e.g., height=300 → "300px")
  • String values with units (e.g., "100%", "300px", "20rem", "50vw")
alignstringDescribes how you want the image aligned on the page. Options: left, right, center, justify, initial, or inherit. Defaults to left.



Sets the border style of the image. Accepts standard CSS border values, such as:

  • "1px solid black" - thin black border
  • "2px dashed #FF0000" - dashed red border
  • "3px double gray" - double-line gray border

Note: Border styles can also be applied using the style attribute.

withLightboxbooleanOpens the image in a lightbox when the image is clicked. The lightbox image is opened in its original size or is scaled down to fit the screen if its original size is larger than then screen size. Default: false.
styleobject | stringInline styles to apply to the image. Accepts either a CSS string or an object with camelCase properties:
  • As an object: {"marginTop": "20px", "boxShadow": "0 4px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"}
  • As a string: "margin-top: 20px; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)" Common properties include:
  • margin, padding: Control spacing around the image
  • boxShadow: Add shadow effects
  • opacity: Control image transparency
  • borderRadius: Round the corners
  • filter: Apply visual effects (blur, brightness, etc.)


Basic image with alt text

{% img
  alt="Basic example image"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"

Image with width and height

{% img
  alt="Image with dimensions"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"

Image with alignment

{% img
  alt="Center aligned image"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"

Image with border

{% img
  alt="Image with border"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"
  border="10px solid red"

Image with custom styles

{% img
  alt="Styled image"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"
  style={"border": "10px solid red", "borderRadius": "50px", "cursor": "pointer"}

Image with srcSet for different color modes

{% img
  alt="Color mode aware image"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"

Image with className

{% img
  alt="Image with custom class"
  srcSet="./images/img-markdoc/image-example-light.png light, ./images/img-markdoc/image-example-dark.png dark"

Best practices

Write meaningful alt text

Always include descriptive alt text that conveys the purpose and content of the image. Descriptive alt text improves accessibility and helps users understand the image's context when it fails to load or if users have visual impairments or use assistive technologies to understand the content of images.

Use images purposefully

Only include images that add value to your content. Avoid decorative images that don't contribute to understanding the subject matter.

Maintain responsive design

Set appropriate width and height attributes to prevent layout shifts and to prevent pixelation. Also, consider how images display across different screen sizes.

Enhance visual hierarchy

Use alignment to create visual flow and balance. Apply consistent styling (borders, shadows, etc.) across similar image types.