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Grant pattern-based access to teams

To streamline onboarding teams to access specific content sections, pattern-based access can help. This feature allows you to define templates for content structure that can be accessed through pattern-based access controls. You can either grant access to named teams to these folders, or use pattern-based team names to give each team access to the appropriate content.

List the folders for pattern-based access

Only the folders that match the patterns list in teamFolders can be accessed by pattern-based access. The following example shows how to include per-directory access within both the docs/ and the apis/ folders:

    - /docs/{teamPathSegment}
    - /apis/{teamPathSegment}

The part of the path that matches {teamPathSegment} can be used to grant access to members of teams with names that match a pattern including the path segment.

Add base roles

To grant access to named teams to all the pattern-based folders, use the teamFoldersBaseRoles RBAC configuration. To grant write access to "Developer" team members and admin access to "Admin" team members, use a configuration like the following example:

    Admins: admin
    Developers: write

These teams have access to all the paths that match the teamFolders entry in your configuration file.

Define team name patterns

Choose a pattern that works for your organization's team naming convention. In this example, we are using a prefix as well as the {teamPathSegment} and {projectRole} segments in the pattern. The configuration looks like the following snippet:

    - INTERNAL-{teamPathSegment}-{projectRole}
    - INTERNAL-BUSINESS-{teamPathSegment}-{projectRole}

With this configuration, some examples of granted access would be:

  • Team INTERNAL-accounts-write gets write access to /docs/accounts/** and /apis/accounts/**.
  • Team INTERNAL-BUSINESS--metrics-maintain gets maintain access to /docs/metrics/** and /apis/metrics/**.
  • TEAM PARTNER-important-admin gets no access since they don't match the team name pattern.

You can also have teamPathSegment and projectRole in separate patterns.

    - INTERNAL_TEAM-{teamPathSegment}
    - INTERNAL_ROLE-{projectRole}
