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Configure role-based access control (RBAC)

With role-based access control (RBAC), you can configure user access to view, create, edit or remove content in your project.

Once configured, RBAC permissions can apply to the following content in your project:

  • search results
  • navigation elements
  • entire Markdown, React, API document pages
  • part of Markdown or React pages

RBAC permissions also apply to both organization and project settings.

Assign organization roles

When you invite users to an organization, you must assign them to one of the organization roles: viewer, billing, member, or owner. Users with an owner role can access the Admin panel and update the organization roles of other users from the People page. Only users with an owner role in the organization can assign organization roles to other users. Most users in your organization should have the member role, giving them access to the Project panel only. From the Project panel members can select projects and their access to those projects is determined by their project roles.

Assign project roles

Project roles determine user access to the individual projects in your organization. You add users to teams and then assign project roles to the teams. User access is determined by the project roles assigned to the teams users are members of. Project roles can be configured by users with a member or owner organization role, if they have been assigned to a team with the write, maintain, or admin project role for that project.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following before you begin:

  • a redocly.yaml file in the root of your project
  • SSO configuration in your redocly.yaml file
  • Owner or member organization role
  • write, maintain, or admin project role

Configure project roles

To configure project roles, assign project roles to teams scoped by resource identifiers. RBAC configurations are placed in different places in your project, depending on the following levels of granularity:

  • For projects: Globally in the redocly.yaml file in the rbac configuration.
  • For pages: In the content or front matter of Markdown documents, API definitions, or Typescript pages in the rbac configuration.
  • For navigation: In the navbar, footer, or sidebar navigation menu rbac configurations in the redocly.yaml or sidebars.yaml configuration files.

Assign roles to specified teams

To assign a role to specified teams for project access:

In your redocly.yaml configuration file, add the team names with the value of the role you want to assign them in the rbac configuration under the reunite object. For example, the following example configuration assigns the write role to the Writers team in the project:

    Writers: write

Assign roles to unspecified teams

If you want to provide access to one team, and limit access to all other teams for a specific resource identifier, you can use the * symbol.

To assign a role to unspecified teams for files access:

  1. In your redocly.yaml configuration file, add the glob pattern scope option in the rbac configuration under the content object. For example, the following example configuration creates a scope that includes all Markdown files:
  2. Add the team names with the value of the role you want to assign them. For example, the following example configuration assigns the write role to the Writers team in the *.md scope:
          Writers: write
  3. Add the * symbol with the value of the role you want to assign to all other teams. For example, the following example configuration assigns the read role to all teams except the Writers team for all Markdown pages:
          Writers: write
          '*': read
