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OpenAPI extension: x-displayName

Tags are used in Redoc to group API endpoints into logical sets for navigation purposes. Use x-displayName to give your tag a better presentation in the navigation bar on the left.

Adjusting the display name is very useful where the tags are either too long to be readable in the left-hand bar, or where the tag isn't a human-readable string. Making the improved tag details part of the OpenAPI description means that the information can be used everywhere that the OpenAPI file is used.


Use the x-displayName extension in a Tag declaration.


x-displayNamestringThe text to use when presenting this tag as a navigation item and section header. Default is to use the tag name.


The following configuration renames the short tag name finserv to "Finance Services":

  - name: finserv
    description: Operations for the Finance Services department.
    x-displayName: Finance Services
