Last updated

Card and Cards Tag Redocly Custom Tag

The card and cards tags work together to create visually appealing, structured content elements ("cards") in your documentation.

The card tag allows you to create an individual card element that contains your markup, while the cards tag organizes multiple cards into a responsive grid layout.

Syntax and usage

Add an opening and closing cards tag to wrap the card elements.

{% cards %}
{% /cards %}

Wrap content in a card and configure them using attributes. A card only works as a child of cards.

{% cards %}
  {% card title="First card" icon="images/first-card.svg" %}
    I'm a **card**. 
  {% /card %}
  {% card title="Second card" icon="images/second-card.svg" %}
    I'm a card, _too_.
  {% /card %}
  {% card title="Third card" icon="images/third-card.svg" %}
    I'm actually a brochure.
  {% /card %}
{% /cards %}

Attributes - Card

titlestringREQUIRED. The title of the card.
tostringURL or path for the card to link to. When set, the entire card behaves as a link.
variantstringVisual style of the card. Can be filled, outlined, elevated, or ghost. Defaults to filled.
imagestringPath to an image to display in the card.
imagePositionstringSet position of the image in the card to start or end. Defaults to start.
iconstringPath to an icon to display on the card. Supports image files or SVGs.
iconVariantstringStyle of the icon. Can be filled or ghost.
lineClampstringLimits the number of lines of text displayed in the card content. Once exceeded, text cuts off at the first white space and "..." is appended.
layoutstringLayout of the card. Can be horizontal or vertical. Defaults to vertical.



Alignment of card content. Can be start, center, or end. Defaults to start. Card orientation changes with layout:

  • For horizontal layouts, start means left.
  • For vertical layouts, start means top.

Attributes - Cards

columnsNumberSet the number of columns in the grid. Defaults to 3.
cardMinWidthstringMinimum width of each card in pixels. Cards will shrink to this size before pushing the next card to the following row. Defaults to 240.


Card variants

Use the variant attribute to change the appearance of the card with pre-configured styles.

Filled card

Uses filled variant.

Outlined card

Uses outlined variant.

Elevated card

Uses elevated variant.

Ghost card

Uses ghost variant.

See card variant example syntax
{% cards columns=4 cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Filled card" variant="filled" %}
    Uses `filled` variant.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Outlined card" variant="outlined" %}
    Uses `outlined` variant.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Elevated card" variant="elevated" %}
    Uses `elevated` variant.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Ghost card" variant="ghost" %}
    Uses `ghost` variant.
  {% /card %}
{% /cards %}

Set the to attribute to configure the entire card as a link. Each card variant has unique hover styles for cards as links.

See link cards example syntax
{% cards columns=4 cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Filled card" to="#cards-as-links" variant="filled" %}
    Hover to see styles.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Outlined card" to="#cards-as-links" variant="outlined" %}
    Hover to see styles.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Elevated card" to="#cards-as-links" variant="elevated" %}
    Hover to see styles.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Ghost card" to="#cards-as-links" variant="ghost" %}
    Hover to see styles.
  {% /card %}
{% /cards %}

Icon cards

Use the icon attribute to add an icon to a card and choose its styles with iconVariant.

See icon cards example syntax
{% cards columns=4 cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Filled card" icon="images/ghost-icon.svg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="filled" iconVariant="filled" %}
    ...with `filled` icon variant.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Outlined card" icon="images/ghost-icon.svg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="outlined" iconVariant="ghost" %}
    ...with `ghost` icon variant.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Elevated card" icon="images/ghost-icon.svg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="elevated" iconVariant="filled" %}
    ...with `filled` icon variant.
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Ghost card" icon="images/ghost-icon.svg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="ghost" iconVariant="ghost" %}
    ...with `ghost` icon variant.
  {% /card %}
{% /cards %}

Icon card positioning

Use the layout and align attributes to control the positioning of elements in your icon card.

Horizontal layout icon cards:

Icon card

Layout = horizontal

Align = start

Icon card

Layout = horizontal

Align = center

Icon card

Layout = horizontal

Align = end

See horizontal icon card example syntax
{% cards cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Icon card" layout="horizontal" align="start" icon="../../images/cards-markdoc/ghost-icon.svg" variant="outlined" %}
    Layout = `horizontal`

    Align = `start`
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Icon card" layout="horizontal" align="center" icon="../../images/cards-markdoc/ghost-icon.svg" variant="outlined" %}
    Layout = `horizontal`

    Align = `center`
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Icon card" layout="horizontal" align="end" variant="outlined" icon="../../images/cards-markdoc/ghost-icon.svg" %}
    Layout = `horizontal`

    Align = `end`
  {% /card %}

{% /cards %}

Vertical layout icon cards:

Icon card

Layout = vertical

Align = start

Icon card

Layout = vertical

Align = center

Icon card

Layout = vertical

Align = end

See vertical icon card example syntax
{% cards cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Icon card" layout="vertical" align="start" icon="../../images/cards-markdoc/ghost-icon.svg" variant="outlined" %}
    Layout = `vertical`

    Align = `start`
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Icon card" layout="vertical" align="center" icon="../../images/cards-markdoc/ghost-icon.svg" variant="outlined" %}
    Layout = `vertical`

    Align = `center`
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Icon card" layout="vertical" align="end" variant="outlined" icon="../../images/cards-markdoc/ghost-icon.svg" %}
    Layout = `vertical`

    Align = `end`
  {% /card %}

{% /cards %}

Image cards

Add an image to a card using the image attribute.

See image cards example syntax
{% cards columns=4 cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Filled card" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="filled" %}
    ...with an image!
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Outlined card" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="outlined" %}
    ...with an image!
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Elevated card" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="elevated" %}
    ...with an image!
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Ghost card" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" to="#cards-as-links" variant="ghost" %}
    ...with an image!
  {% /card %}
{% /cards %}

Image card positioning

Use the layout, align, and imagePosition attributes to control the positioning of elements in your image card.

Vertical layout image cards:

Image card

Image card

Layout = vertical

Align = start

imagePosition = start

Image card

Image card

Layout = vertical

Align = center

imagePosition = start

Image card

Image card

Layout = vertical

Align = end

imagePosition = end

See vertical image card example syntax
{% cards cardMinWidth=180 %}

  {% card title="Image card" layout="vertical" align="start" imagePosition="start" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" variant="outlined" %}
        Layout = `vertical`

        Align = `start`

        imagePosition = `start`
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Image card" layout="vertical" align="center" imagePosition="start" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" variant="outlined" %}
        Layout = `vertical`

        Align = `center`

        imagePosition = `start`
  {% /card %}

  {% card title="Image card" layout="vertical" align="end" imagePosition="end" image="images/card-gradient.jpeg" variant="outlined" %}
        Layout = `vertical`

        Align = `end`

        imagePosition = `end`
  {% /card %}

{% /cards %}

Horizontal layout image cards:

Image card

Image card

Layout = horizontal

Align = start

imagePosition = start

Image card

Image card

Layout = horizontal

Align = center

imagePosition = start

Image card

Image card

Layout = horizontal

Align = end

imagePosition = end

Best practices

Group related information

Cards are great for organizing and presenting related pieces of information. Use them to guide users to resources or highlight important features.

Keep cards concise

Cards work best when they present information in a concise way. Avoid overcrowding cards with too many elements.

Visual consistency

When using multiple cards, strive for consistent design and content structure. This consistency will keep your documentation looking cohesive and professional.

Consider responsiveness

Consider how your card grid will look on different screen sizes. Use the columns and cardMinWidth attributes to create a layout that works well across devices.

Debug common issues

Cards won't render

Check that you've correctly nested the card tags inside a parent cards tag.

Images or icons not showing

Verify that the filepaths are correct and the file exists at that location. Incorrect paths will show Markdoc errors in your console.

Inconsistent card sizes

Using different amounts of content in each card can make the cards in your grid appear to be different sizes. Consider rephrasing your content or using the lineClamp attribute to maintain a consistent height.