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The decorators configuration section defines the transformation steps that are applied to your API description when it is bundled. Both the built-in decorators and decorators from custom plugins are configured in this section. The decorators block can be used at the root of a configuration file, or inside an API-specific section.


{decorator name}string or Decorator objectREQUIRED. You can add as many decorators as you wish. The keys must be either built-in decorators (for example info-description-override), or a decorator from a plugin (for example tags-plugin/no-unused-tags). Set the value to on or off to enable or disable a decorator, or use a Decorator object to configure additional options for a specific decorator.

Decorator object

{additional properties}anySome decorators support additional configuration, check the documentation for each specific decorator to discover the values that can be used. For example the filter-out decorator supports property and value settings for what to filter.
severitystringSeverity level of any problems reported with this decorator. Setting this option is usually only useful for troubleshooting purposes. The value must be one of error, warn, or off, where off disables the decorator.


This section covers some examples and common use cases.

Configure built-in decorators

Pick and mix the built-in decorators in your redocly.yaml file as you need to. The following example enables the remove-unused-components decorator, and uses info-override to update the title:

  remove-unused-components: on
    title: Better title than before

The info-override decorator accepts some additional configuration.

Configure decorators from custom plugins

Redocly also supports custom plugins for advanced users. Decorators in custom plugins are also configured in the decorators section of the configuration file, using the plugin's module name as a prefix.

The following example shows enabling a decorator called alphabetical from a plugin named tag-sorting:

  - './tag-sorting.js'

  tag-sorting/alphabetical: on

The example includes adding the plugin, partly to remind you that this is also needed.

  • apis configuration options allow setting per-API configuration in redocly.yaml.
  • rules settings define the linting rules that are used.
