Predefined translation keys
This page contains the list of all predefined translation keys used in default UI components.
Key | Description | Default value |
userMenu.login | Login button label | Login |
userMenu.logout | Logout button label | Log out |
userMenu.devOnboardingLabel | Developer onboarding dashboard link label | My apps |
search.navbar.label | Search navbar label | Search |
search.label | Search input placeholder | Search all products... |
search.recent | Recent searches label | Recent searches |
search.suggested | Search suggested pages label | Suggested pages |
search.loading | Label displayed when search is loading | Loading... |
search.noResults.title | Label displayed when search gives no results | No results |
search.showMore | Link displayed in each group of search results to get more results | Show more |
search.cancel | Search cancel button text | Cancel |
search.keys.navigate | Label for navigate key in search footer | to navigate | | Label for select key in search footer | to select |
search.keys.exit | Label for exit key in search footer | to exit |
toc.header | Table of content header | On this page |
versionPicker.label | Version picker label | Version : |
versionPicker.unversioned | Version picker placeholder for unversioned content | All versions | | Label of back button displayed in sidebar drilldown menu | Back | | Label of a button for showing a collapsed sidebar | Show sidebar |
sidebar.actions.hide | Label of back button for collapsing a sidebar | Hide sidebar |
sidebar.actions.changeLayout | Tooltip of a button used to change the sidebar layout | Hide sidebar |
markdown.editPage.text | Edit page button label on markdown pages (displayed if configured in redocly.yaml ) | Edit page |
page.homeButton | Button label on default 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found pages | Go home |
page.previousButton | Previous button's label for page navigation | Previous page |
page.nextButton | Next button's label for page navigation | Next page |
page.lastUpdated.timeago | Page last updated (when referring to a period of time, e.g. 10min) | Last updated |
page.lastUpdated.on | Page last updated (when referring to specific date, e.g. December 1st) | Last updated on |
page.notFound.title | 404 Not Found page header text | Something went missing... |
page.notFound.description | 404 Not Found page description text | The page you were trying to reach doesn't exist or may have been moved. You can go back to the previous page, return to the homepage, or use the search bar to find what you're looking for. |
page.forbidden.title | 403 Forbidden header text | Access forbidden |
codeSnippet.copy.buttonText | Code snippet copy button text | Copy |
codeSnippet.copy.tooltipText | Code snippet copy button tooltip | Copy to clipboard |
codeSnippet.copy.toasterText | A toast notification text displayed after code snippet has been successfully copied | Copied! | | Code snippet report button text | Report | | Code snippet report button tooltip | Report a problem | | Code snippet report a problem title | What is wrong with this code? |
feedback.settings.label | Page rating question text | How helpful was this page? |
feedback.settings.submitText | Message displayed after successful page rating submit | Thank you for helping improve our documentation! |
feedback.settings.reasons.label | Feedback prompt text | Which statement describes your thoughts about this page? |
feedback.settings.reasons.items.N | Text of reason N, where N is a number of reason in the list in redocly.yaml | Default is the value from redocly.yaml |
feedback.settings.reasons.send | Send feedback button text | Send |
feedback.settings.comment.submitText | Message displayed after successful page comment submit | Thank you for helping improve our documentation! |
feedback.settings.comment.likeLabel | Question displayed after positive feedback on the page | What was most helpful? |
feedback.settings.comment.dislikeLabel | Question displayed after negative feedback on the page | What can we improve? |
feedback.settings.comment.send | Send comment feedback submit button text | Send |
feedback.settings.comment.cancel | Send comment feedback cancel button text | Cancel |
feedback.sentiment.thumbUp | Feedback thump up label in sentiment section | Yes |
feedback.sentiment.thumbDown | Feedback thump down label in sentiment section | No |
catalog.card.footer | Catalog card footer label | View documentation | | Select all filters option label in catalog | All |
catalog.filters.placeholder | Catalog filter input placeholder | Filter... |
catalog.filters.title | Catalog filters sidebar title | Filters |
catalog.filters.apply | Catalog apply filters button text | Apply filters |
footer.copyrightText | Footer copyright text | Default is configured in redocly.yaml | | Title for the download description section in OpenAPI description | Download the OpenAPI description file | | Title for the info section in OpenAPI description | Overview | | Label for the contact URL in the info section of OpenAPI description | URL | | Label for the contact name in the info section of OpenAPI description | | | Label for the license in the info section of OpenAPI description | License | | Label for the terms of service in the info section of OpenAPI description | Terms of Service | | Title for the metadata section in OpenAPI description | Metadata |
openapi.key | Label for key in OpenAPI description | Key |
openapi.value | Label for value in OpenAPI description | Value |
openapi.enum | Label for enum in OpenAPI description | Enum |
openapi.items | Label for items in OpenAPI description | Items |
openapi.default | Label for default values in OpenAPI description | Default |
openapi.variable | Label for variable in OpenAPI description | variable |
openapi.variables | Label for variables in OpenAPI description | variables | | Label for the show action in OpenAPI description | Show |
openapi.actions.hide | Label for the hide action in OpenAPI description | Hide |
openapi.actions.more | Label for the more action in OpenAPI description | more |
openapi.languages.title | Title for the languages section in OpenAPI description | Languages |
openapi.servers.title | Title for the servers section in OpenAPI description | Servers |
openapi.operations | Label for operations in OpenAPI description | Operations |
openapi.webhooks | Label for webhooks in OpenAPI description | Webhooks |
openapi.description | Label for the description in OpenAPI description | Description |
openapi.badges.deprecated | Label for the deprecated badge in OpenAPI description | Deprecated |
openapi.badges.required | Label for the required badge in OpenAPI description | required |
openapi.badges.webhook | Label for the webhook badge in OpenAPI description | Webhook |
openapi.request | Label for the request in OpenAPI description | Request |
openapi.path | Label for the path parameter in OpenAPI description | Path |
openapi.query | Label for the query parameter in OpenAPI description | Query |
openapi.cookie | Label for the cookie parameter in OpenAPI description | Cookies |
openapi.header | Label for the header parameter in OpenAPI description | Headers |
openapi.body | Label for the request body in OpenAPI description | Body |
openapi.responses | Label for the responses section in OpenAPI description | Responses |
openapi.response | Label for a single response in OpenAPI description | Response |
openapi.callbacks | Label for callbacks in OpenAPI description | Callbacks |
openapi.callbackRequest | Label for the callback request in OpenAPI description | Callback Request |
openapi.callbackResponse | Label for the callback response in OpenAPI description | Callback Response |
openapi.payload | Label for the payload in OpenAPI description | Payload |
openapi.discriminator | Label for the discriminator in OpenAPI description | Discriminator |
openapi.contentType | Label for the content type in OpenAPI description | Content type |
openapi.tryIt | Label for the Try it button in OpenAPI description | Try it |
openapi.loading | Label for the loading state in OpenAPI description | Loading... |
openapi.example | Label for a single example in OpenAPI description | Example |
openapi.examples | Label for multiple examples in OpenAPI description | Examples |
openapi.additionalProperties | Label for additional properties in OpenAPI schemas | additional property |
openapi.patternProperties | Label for the pattern properties in OpenAPI schemas | pattern property |
openapi.required | Label for the required fields in OpenAPI description | required |
openapi.recursive | Label for the recursive schemas in OpenAPI description | Recursive |
openapi.deprecated | Label for the deprecated fields in OpenAPI description | deprecated |
openapi.hideExample | Label for hiding an example in OpenAPI description | Hide example |
openapi.showExample | Label for showing an example in OpenAPI description | Show example |
openapi.expandAll | Label for expanding all sections in OpenAPI description | Expand all |
openapi.collapseAll | Label for collapsing all sections in OpenAPI description | Collapse all |
openapi.noResponseExample | Message when there's no response example in OpenAPI description | No response example |
openapi.noResponseContent | Message displayed when a response contains no content in an OpenAPI description | No content |
openapi.noRequestPayload | Message when there's no request payload in OpenAPI description | No request payload |
openapi.hidePattern | Label for hiding a pattern in OpenAPI description | Hide pattern |
openapi.showPattern | Label for showing a pattern in OpenAPI description | Show pattern |
openapi.authorizationUrl | Label for the authorization URL in OpenAPI security schemes | Authorization URL |
openapi.tokenUrl | Label for the token URL in OpenAPI security schemes | Token URL |
openapi.refreshUrl | Label for the refresh URL in OpenAPI security schemes | Refresh URL |
openapi.scopes | Label for scopes in OpenAPI security schemes | Scopes | | Label for the security section in OpenAPI description | Security |
openapi.httpAuthorizationScheme | Label for HTTP Authorization Scheme in OpenAPI security schemes | HTTP Authorization Scheme |
openapi.bearerFormat | Label for Bearer Format in OpenAPI security schemes | Bearer Format |
openapi.parameterName | Label for parameter name in OpenAPI description | parameter name |
openapi.flowType | Label for flow type in OpenAPI OAuth2 security schemes | Flow type |
openapi.connectUrl | Label for connect URL in OpenAPI OAuth2 security schemes | Connect URL |
openapi.requiredScopes | Label for required scopes in OpenAPI security schemes | Required scopes |
openapi.unsupportedLanguage | Message displayed when a code sample from the OpenAPI description file is written in an unsupported language | The code sample's language is not supported. |
openapi.failedToGenerateCodeSample | Message displayed when code sample generation fails | Failed to generate code sample. |
graphql.queries | Label for queries group in GraphQL sidebar | Queries |
graphql.mutations | Label for mutations group in GraphQL sidebar | Mutations |
graphql.subscriptions | Label for subscriptions group in GraphQL sidebar | Subscriptions |
graphql.directives | Label for directives group in GraphQL sidebar | Directives |
graphql.objects | Label for objects group in GraphQL sidebar | Objects |
graphql.interfaces | Label for interfaces group in GraphQL sidebar | Interfaces |
graphql.unions | Label for unions group in GraphQL sidebar | Unions |
graphql.enums | Label for enums group in GraphQL sidebar | Enums |
graphql.inputs | Label for the inputs group in GraphQL sidebar | Inputs |
graphql.scalars | Label for the scalars group in GraphQL sidebar | Scalars |
graphql.arguments.label | Label for the arguments section in GraphQL content | Arguments | | Text for showing arguments in GraphQL content | Show arguments |
graphql.arguments.hide | Text for hiding arguments in GraphQL content | Hide arguments |
graphql.returnTypes.label | Label for the return type section in GraphQL content | Return type | | Text for showing return type in GraphQL content | Show return type |
graphql.returnTypes.hide | Text for hiding return type in GraphQL content | Hide return type |
graphql.possibleTypes | Label for possible types in GraphQL content | Possible types |
graphql.defaultValue | Label for the default value in GraphQL content | Default | | Placeholder for arguments in GraphQL content | Arguments Here |
graphql.deprecationReason | Label for the deprecation reason in GraphQL content | Deprecation reason |
graphql.implementedInterfaces | Label for implemented interfaces in GraphQL content | Implements interfaces |
graphql.nonNull | Label for non-null fields in GraphQL content | non-null |
graphql.required | Label for required fields in GraphQL content | required |
graphql.deprecated | Label for deprecated fields in GraphQL content | deprecated |
graphql.variables | Label for the variables section in GraphQL right section | Variables |
graphql.querySample | Label for the query sample in GraphQL right section | Query sample |
graphql.mutationSample | Label for the mutation sample in GraphQL right section | Mutation sample |
graphql.subscriptionSample | Label for the subscription sample in GraphQL right section | Subscription sample |
graphql.responseSample | Label for the response sample in GraphQL right section | Response sample |
graphql.location | Label for the location section in GraphQL right section | Location |
graphql.sample | Label for the sample section in GraphQL right section | Sample |
graphql.referenced | Label for the referenced section in GraphQL right section | Referenced in |
- Configure language support for your project by following the steps in the Configure localization how-to documentation.