Last updated

Predefined translation keys

This page contains the list of all predefined translation keys used in default UI components.

KeyDescriptionDefault value
theme.userMenu.loginLogin button labelLogin
theme.userMenu.logoutLogout button labelLog out
theme.userMenu.devOnboardingLabelDeveloper onboarding dashboard link labelMy apps navbar labelSearch input placeholderSearch all products... searches labelRecent searches suggested pages labelSuggested pages displayed when search is loadingLoading... displayed when search gives no resultsNo results for no results labelPrease, try with a different query. displayed in each group of search results to get more resultsShow more cancel button textCancel for navigate key in search footerto navigate for select key in search footerto select for exit key in search footerto exit
theme.toc.headerTable of content headerOn this page
theme.versionPicker.labelVersion picker labelVersion :
theme.versionPicker.unversionedVersion picker placeholder for unversioned contentAll versions of back button displayed in sidebar drilldown menuBack
theme.sidebar.actions.showLabel of a button for showing a collapsed sidebarShow sidebar
theme.sidebar.actions.hideLabel of back button for collapsing a sidebarHide sidebar
theme.sidebar.actions.changeLayoutTooltip of a button used to change the sidebar layoutHide sidebar
theme.markdown.editPage.textEdit page button label on markdown pages (displayed if configured in redocly.yaml)Edit page label on default 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found pagesGo home button's label for page navigationPrevious page button's label for page navigationNext page last updated (when referring to a period of time, e.g. 10min)Last updated last updated (when referring to specific date, e.g. December 1st)Last updated on Not Found page header textSomething went missing... Not Found page description textThe page you were trying to reach doesn't exist or may have been moved. You can go back to the previous page, return to the homepage, or use the search bar to find what you're looking for. Forbidden header textAccess forbidden
theme.codeSnippet.copy.buttonTextCode snippet copy button textCopy
theme.codeSnippet.copy.tooltipTextCode snippet copy button tooltipCopy to clipboard
theme.codeSnippet.copy.toasterTextA toast notification text displayed after code snippet has been successfully copiedCopied! snippet report button textReport snippet report button tooltipReport a problem snippet report a problem titleWhat is wrong with this code? rating question textHow helpful was this page? displayed after successful page rating submitThank you for helping improve our documentation! prompt textWhich statement describes your thoughts about this page? of reason N, where N is a number of reason in the list in redocly.yamlDefault is the value from redocly.yaml feedback button textSend displayed after successful page comment submitThank you for helping improve our documentation! displayed after positive feedback on the pageWhat was most helpful? displayed after negative feedback on the pageWhat can we improve? comment feedback submit button textSend comment feedback cancel button textCancel thump up label in sentiment sectionYes thump down label in sentiment sectionNo
theme.catalog.card.footerCatalog card footer labelView documentation all filters option label in catalogAll
theme.catalog.filters.placeholderCatalog filter input placeholderFilter...
theme.catalog.filters.titleCatalog filters sidebar titleFilters
theme.catalog.filters.applyCatalog apply filters button textApply filters
theme.footer.copyrightTextFooter copyright textDefault is configured in redocly.yaml for the download description section in OpenAPI descriptionDownload the OpenAPI description file for the info section in OpenAPI descriptionOverview for the contact URL in the info section of OpenAPI descriptionURL for the contact name in the info section of OpenAPI descriptionE-mail for the license in the info section of OpenAPI descriptionLicense for the terms of service in the info section of OpenAPI descriptionTerms of Service for the metadata section in OpenAPI descriptionMetadata
openapi.keyLabel for key in OpenAPI descriptionKey
openapi.valueLabel for value in OpenAPI descriptionValue
openapi.enumLabel for enum in OpenAPI descriptionEnum
openapi.itemsLabel for items in OpenAPI descriptionItems
openapi.defaultLabel for default values in OpenAPI descriptionDefault
openapi.variableLabel for variable in OpenAPI descriptionvariable
openapi.variablesLabel for variables in OpenAPI descriptionvariables
openapi.actions.showLabel for the show action in OpenAPI descriptionShow
openapi.actions.hideLabel for the hide action in OpenAPI descriptionHide
openapi.actions.moreLabel for the more action in OpenAPI descriptionmore
openapi.languages.titleTitle for the languages section in OpenAPI descriptionLanguages
openapi.servers.titleTitle for the servers section in OpenAPI descriptionServers
openapi.operationsLabel for operations in OpenAPI descriptionOperations
openapi.webhooksLabel for webhooks in OpenAPI descriptionWebhooks
openapi.descriptionLabel for the description in OpenAPI descriptionDescription
openapi.badges.deprecatedLabel for the deprecated badge in OpenAPI descriptionDeprecated
openapi.badges.requiredLabel for the required badge in OpenAPI descriptionrequired
openapi.badges.webhookLabel for the webhook badge in OpenAPI descriptionWebhook
openapi.requestLabel for the request in OpenAPI descriptionRequest
openapi.pathLabel for the path parameter in OpenAPI descriptionPath
openapi.queryLabel for the query parameter in OpenAPI descriptionQuery
openapi.cookieLabel for the cookie parameter in OpenAPI descriptionCookies
openapi.headerLabel for the header parameter in OpenAPI descriptionHeaders
openapi.bodyLabel for the request body in OpenAPI descriptionBody
openapi.responsesLabel for the responses section in OpenAPI descriptionResponses
openapi.responseLabel for a single response in OpenAPI descriptionResponse
openapi.callbacksLabel for callbacks in OpenAPI descriptionCallbacks
openapi.callbackRequestLabel for the callback request in OpenAPI descriptionCallback Request
openapi.callbackResponseLabel for the callback response in OpenAPI descriptionCallback Response
openapi.payloadLabel for the payload in OpenAPI descriptionPayload
openapi.discriminatorLabel for the discriminator in OpenAPI descriptionDiscriminator
openapi.contentTypeLabel for the content type in OpenAPI descriptionContent type
openapi.tryItLabel for the Try it button in OpenAPI descriptionTry it
openapi.loadingLabel for the loading state in OpenAPI descriptionLoading...
openapi.exampleLabel for a single example in OpenAPI descriptionExample
openapi.examplesLabel for multiple examples in OpenAPI descriptionExamples
openapi.additionalPropertiesLabel for additional properties in OpenAPI schemasadditional property
openapi.patternPropertiesLabel for the pattern properties in OpenAPI schemaspattern property
openapi.requiredLabel for the required fields in OpenAPI descriptionrequired
openapi.recursiveLabel for the recursive schemas in OpenAPI descriptionRecursive
openapi.deprecatedLabel for the deprecated fields in OpenAPI descriptiondeprecated
openapi.hideExampleLabel for hiding an example in OpenAPI descriptionHide example
openapi.showExampleLabel for showing an example in OpenAPI descriptionShow example
openapi.expandAllLabel for expanding all sections in OpenAPI descriptionExpand all
openapi.collapseAllLabel for collapsing all sections in OpenAPI descriptionCollapse all
openapi.pdfFileSampleLabel for PDF file samples in OpenAPI descriptionsPDF file
openapi.noResponseExampleMessage when there's no response example in OpenAPI descriptionNo response example
openapi.noRequestPayloadMessage when there's no request payload in OpenAPI descriptionNo request payload
openapi.hidePatternLabel for hiding a pattern in OpenAPI descriptionHide pattern
openapi.showPatternLabel for showing a pattern in OpenAPI descriptionShow pattern
openapi.authorizationUrlLabel for the authorization URL in OpenAPI security schemesAuthorization URL
openapi.tokenUrlLabel for the token URL in OpenAPI security schemesToken URL
openapi.refreshUrlLabel for the refresh URL in OpenAPI security schemesRefresh URL
openapi.scopesLabel for scopes in OpenAPI security schemesScopes
openapi.securityLabel for the security section in OpenAPI descriptionSecurity
openapi.httpAuthorizationSchemeLabel for HTTP Authorization Scheme in OpenAPI security schemesHTTP Authorization Scheme
openapi.bearerFormatLabel for Bearer Format in OpenAPI security schemesBearer Format
openapi.parameterNameLabel for parameter name in OpenAPI descriptionparameter name
openapi.flowTypeLabel for flow type in OpenAPI OAuth2 security schemesFlow type
openapi.connectUrlLabel for connect URL in OpenAPI OAuth2 security schemesConnect URL
openapi.requiredScopesLabel for required scopes in OpenAPI security schemesRequired scopes
openapi.unsupportedLanguageMessage displayed when a code sample from the OpenAPI description file is written in an unsupported languageThe code sample's language is not supported.
openapi.failedToGenerateCodeSampleMessage displayed when code sample generation failsFailed to generate code sample.
graphql.queriesLabel for queries group in GraphQL sidebarQueries
graphql.mutationsLabel for mutations group in GraphQL sidebarMutations
graphql.subscriptionsLabel for subscriptions group in GraphQL sidebarSubscriptions
graphql.directivesLabel for directives group in GraphQL sidebarDirectives
graphql.objectsLabel for objects group in GraphQL sidebarObjects
graphql.interfacesLabel for interfaces group in GraphQL sidebarInterfaces
graphql.unionsLabel for unions group in GraphQL sidebarUnions
graphql.enumsLabel for enums group in GraphQL sidebarEnums
graphql.inputsLabel for the inputs group in GraphQL sidebarInputs
graphql.scalarsLabel for the scalars group in GraphQL sidebarScalars
graphql.arguments.labelLabel for the arguments section in GraphQL contentArguments
graphql.arguments.showText for showing arguments in GraphQL contentShow arguments
graphql.arguments.hideText for hiding arguments in GraphQL contentHide arguments
graphql.returnTypes.labelLabel for the return type section in GraphQL contentReturn type
graphql.returnTypes.showText for showing return type in GraphQL contentShow return type
graphql.returnTypes.hideText for hiding return type in GraphQL contentHide return type
graphql.possibleTypesLabel for possible types in GraphQL contentPossible types
graphql.defaultValueLabel for the default value in GraphQL contentDefault
graphql.arguments.herePlaceholder for arguments in GraphQL contentArguments Here
graphql.deprecationReasonLabel for the deprecation reason in GraphQL contentDeprecation reason
graphql.implementedInterfacesLabel for implemented interfaces in GraphQL contentImplements interfaces
graphql.nonNullLabel for non-null fields in GraphQL contentnon-null
graphql.requiredLabel for required fields in GraphQL contentrequired
graphql.deprecatedLabel for deprecated fields in GraphQL contentdeprecated
graphql.variablesLabel for the variables section in GraphQL right sectionVariables
graphql.querySampleLabel for the query sample in GraphQL right sectionQuery sample
graphql.mutationSampleLabel for the mutation sample in GraphQL right sectionMutation sample
graphql.subscriptionSampleLabel for the subscription sample in GraphQL right sectionSubscription sample
graphql.responseSampleLabel for the response sample in GraphQL right sectionResponse sample
graphql.locationLabel for the location section in GraphQL right sectionLocation
graphql.sampleLabel for the sample section in GraphQL right sectionSample
graphql.referencedLabel for the referenced section in GraphQL right sectionReferenced in


  • Configure language support for your project by following the steps in the Configure localization how-to documentation.