Use the logo
section to display a custom logo in the portal navbar. Add it to the top level of the siteConfig.yaml
file and configure supported options inside it.
You must provide the path to the logo image as the value of the image
property in the logo
object. The image file must exist in the portal project.
Option | Type | Description | Default |
image | string | Path to the image file (png or svg) of the logo. | - |
altText | string | The alt text used with the image for the logo. | The seo.title defined in siteConfig.yaml . |
href | string (URL) | Full URL with protocol logo's link (omit this property if you want to link to the portal home). | The portal's home page. |
Related options
Customize the logo size and spacing by modifying the developer portal theme.
title: Example Developer Portal
description: Learn how to work with Example APIs
image: ./images/logos/logo-example.png
altText: My logo rocks