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API documentation

Good quality API documentation is the most important factor for a good developer experience. Redocly offers two options for web-based API reference documentation, so you can choose what fits your needs.

API reference

Use the Redocly platform to produce beautiful API documentation, and automatically update it every time your OpenAPI description changes. Change the theme to fit your brand, and make your API consumers very happy with clear documentation, code examples, and the all-important ability to try API calls from within the documentation itself.

Example API reference documentation from Redocly

This option is ideal for teams that want hassle-free hosting, lots of theme customization options, and good CI/CD integration features straight out of the box. There's a free trial on all our plans, so you can take it for a spin before you commit.

Get started with Redocly API reference:


Redoc is open source, and yours to use however you wish. It has fewer features and theming options, but still integrates well with Redocly CLI, allowing you to preview and also build your docs to publish to a platform of your choice.

Example API reference from Redoc

Use this option if you plan to host your API reference documentation yourself, or are looking for an open source solution.

Get started with Redoc: