There’s so much more in a little “-ly”

Open Source
API Docs

  • Free open-source
  • Loved by 1000s
  • Flexible & customizable
  • Fast & stable
  • OAS 3.0, basic OAS 3.1
Explore Redoc

Free API
Reference Docs

  • SaaS, free for individual use
  • Loved by 1000s
  • Deep customization
  • Ultra-fast load, search and SEO
  • OAS 3.1+
Explore Reference Docs
Redoc is our glorious open-source origin story, and its core still powers Redocly’s free Reference docs. But the devil’s in the horsepower. And the API consumer experience. And all the little bits carefully crafted around you, the modern API company.

Blaze faster with more performant API documentation

Redocly is up to 10x faster

… and counting, thanks to a fast update cycle and constant enhancements catered to demanding enterprise clients.

  • URL-based routing strategy vs. hash-based in Redoc
  • Large definitions broken by tag group or operation
  • Super-fast CDN hosting 
    Paid Feature

Search anything far & wide

Redocly can crawl the entire definition and display the number of matches more clearly than Redoc. And your documentation follows SEO best practices, so it’s ready to go get users as soon as it’s published.

  • Enhanced search
  • Ctrl + F override
  • Highlighted search terms
  • SEO-optimized

More control over your API definitions


Multiple API definitions

Redoc can render multiple definitions in different tabs. Redocly combines them into a single page for a better experience.

Version switcher

Maintain separate docs for different API versions in a single dropdown so that your users don’t have to change pages.

Links to schema details

Generate a linkable URL to the response schema, including error responses, with Markdown extension tags that link back to your docs.

Show, don't tell

Superpowered right panel

The Try-it console lets users try API requests directly from the browser by modifying your defined examples. It supports all OAS security definitions, and authentication is saved for the duration of the session

Theme tame your API Docs
to fit your company


Deeper customization

Enjoy more control over typography, color, and style choices. All from simple YAML config files and optional React tweaks.

API Developer Portals


Build industry-leading portals around your API docs. Redocly Portals powers this entire website you’re on.

Git-up your workflow


Collaborate easier than ever with Redocly Workflows, our docs-like-code cloud solution built for modern teams.

Redoc Community Edition is and always will be our developer pride and passion. But if you want nothing but the best for your API journey’s future, take Redocly out for a ride. API Reference docs are free to build, pro features are killer, and there’s much, much more in the pipeline.

Document your APIs proudly with Redocly

Trusted by 10,000+ companies


Speed all the way to API maturity

Launch API docs in seconds, for free. Try the full product suite for 14 days.