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Versions configuration options

If you want to specify the default version and which versions to include in your portal, create a versions.yaml file on the level as your version folders.


defaultstringThe version displayed first when the page is loaded. Must match the name of the version folder, excluding the @ prefix. If not defined,it is the last version in the versions object. Without a versions.yaml file, the default version is the highest version in the alphanumeric ascending order.
versionsArray of Version objectThis option specifies the version subfolders to include, their display names, and the order. If not used, all version subfolders in the same location are included in the version picker.

Version object

versionstringThis option is the name of the version. Must match the name of the version subfolder, excluding the @ prefix.
namestringThe name for a version displayed in the version picker. If not defined, uses the version subfolder name, excluding the @ prefix.


The following are examples of versions.yaml files:

The following example contains two versions: v1.0, and v1.1. The version picker displays Version 1.0 and Version 1.1 as the labels for these versions. As v1.0 is the default version, when you navigate to your versioned content, your project displays files from @v1.0 version subfolder.

default: v1.0
  - version: v1.0
    name: Version 1.0
  - version: v1.1
    name: Version 1.1

The following example contains three versions: 1.0, 2.0, and 2.3. Since the names contain only numbers, the names were placed inside single quotations to match the required string type for these values. The version picker displays 1.0, 2.0, and 2.3. The default version is not defined in this file, so the project displays files from the version subfolder with the highest value. In this case, it is @2.3.

  - version: '1.0'
  - version: '2.0'
  - version: '2.3'


  • Learn how to set up your project to maintain concurrent versions of content.