Last updated

Custom domain

Deprecated docs

The developer portal beta is approaching end of life.

Use Realm and Reunite instead. Read the migration guide.

You can edit the subdomain name and configure a custom domain for your portal project on the Custom domain page.


Custom domains are supported only in Professional and Enterprise plans.

Edit the portal name

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Custom domain page for the portal project you want to configure.

  2. Select the Edit (pencil) icon next to the name. This opens the Change the portal's name dialog, where you can enter a new name for the portal project. You can exit the dialog at any time by selecting Cancel.

  3. The name you enter is prepended to and used as your project's subdomain. It is also used in the Workflows app to identify your project and distinguish it from other portal projects in your organization. Allowed characters are [a-z],[0-9],-. The name must be unique, and if it already exists in your or in another Workflows organization, the dialog warns you to change it.

  4. After entering a new name, select Change name to save your changes. This does not trigger a new portal build.

Configure a custom domain

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Custom domain page for the portal project you want to configure.

  2. Select the Edit (pencil) icon next to the custom domain. This opens the Change your custom domain dialog, where you can configure a custom domain for the portal project. You can exit the dialog at any time by selecting Cancel.

  3. You must enter the custom domain without the protocol. Optionally, you can specify a path prefix to create a subdirectory in your custom domain from which the portal pages are served (for example,, where /docs is the path prefix).

  4. Optionally, you can disable the portal's default URL.

  5. After entering a custom domain, select Save. To complete the configuration process, point your domain's CNAME record to