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Hosting options

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Looking for Realm documentation? These documentation are for our old developer portal. Realm users should contact their account manager for details of the early access documentation.

Host the portal in Redocly Workflows

Like Reference docs, the Developer portal can be hosted in Redocly Workflows. On the Portals page, select Add new to import a Developer portal from any of the supported sources.

When all configuration options are set and the Developer portal successfully built, you can access it from the Portals page. Additional options like custom domain and access control are available in the Settings tab for each of the configured Developer portals.

Host the portal on-premise

You can host the Developer portal on your own servers - either directly as a static site or with Docker. The role-based access control (RBAC) feature requires the Docker approach if you want to use it on-premise.


On-premise Developer portal deployments currently support a single identity provider configuration.

How to host the Developer portal with Docker

First, update the siteConfig.yaml in your portal repository. The only required change in this step is adding the authentication settings.

      type: oidc
      clientId: OIDC CLIENT_ID
      clientSecret: '****'
        - list
        - of
        - scopes
  globalAuthRequirement: public | <idpId>
  allowLoginWith: <idpId>
  • main = the ID of the identity provider.

  • type = type of the identity provider. Only oidc is supported.

  • configurationUrl = OIDC server configuration URL (.well-known).

  • clientSecret = can be provided using environment variables, as explained further in this text.

  • globalAuthRequirement = controls the auth requirement for accessing the site content. You can use the special value public here.

  • allowLoginWith = you can allow login functionality if globalAuthRequirement is set to public. Auth details can be used by custom components or by RBAC features.

Then, build the Developer portal static site. To do so, run the npm run build command in the root directory of the Developer portal project.

When the build is finished, you can run the portal Docker image in two ways. Either create your own Docker image (based on the official image published by Redocly), or run our official image and use the Docker volume to mount the portal directory.

Create a new Docker image

Add the following lines to a Dockerfile, and build a new image from it:

FROM redocly/developer-portal-server:latest

COPY ./path/to/portal/public /portal

Mount volume to the existing Docker image

docker run -p 80:80 -v ./path/to/portal/public:/portal redocly/developer-portal-server:latest

Use environment variables

You can set environment variables at runtime like in the example:

docker run -p 80:80 --env REDOCLY_IDP_MAIN_CLIENTSECRET=some_value -v ./path/to/portal/public:/portal redocly/developer-portal-server:latest

To specify IdP configuration values as environment variables, use the following format:


IDP_ID and PARAMETER_NAME parameters must be upper-cased.

To specify clientSecret of main IdP, use the following environment variable:


Enable HTTPS

To enable the HTTPS protocol support, provide all of the following environment variables:

  • SSL_CERT_PATH, path to the SSL certificate
  • SSL_KEY_PATH, path to the SSL key
  • SSL_PASSPHRASE, default with no pass-phrase
  • HTTPS_PORT, default 443

We suggest mounting a separate Docker volume with the SSL keys for better separation and security between your data and certificates, as in this example:

docker run -p 443:443 -p 80:80 --env SSL_CERT_PATH=/ssl/cert.pem --env SSL_KEY_PATH=/ssl/key.pem -v /path/to/portal/public/:/portal -v /path/to/ssl/keys/:/ssl redocly-developer-portal-server:latest