Last updated

Developer portal theme customization

Deprecated docs

The developer portal beta is approaching end of life.

Use Realm and Reunite instead. Read the migration guide.

To personalize your developer portal with custom fonts, colors, spacing and styles, modify the theme.ts file. The file defines a JSON configuration variable named theme. The values you define in this file override the default portal theme. If your portal has any integrated Reference docs pages, your custom theme applies to those pages as well.

Expand the schema below to show all available theming options. Notice the use of arrow functions to calculate certain values, like the section horizontal and vertical spacing.

The additionalProperties objects in the schema indicate that you can expand the existing theming options by implementing your own options when developing custom components.


All color values in the theme.ts file can be provided in any of the common color formats (hexadecimal value, RGB, HSL, human-friendly color names).


Controls the breakpoints used for scaling the portal layout according to the screen size. The values defined here are interpreted as starting points for different screen sizes. In addition to small, medium and large which are required, you can set other breakpoints with custom names. The special character _ is a reserved breakpoint name and you can't set it in this section of the theme, but you should use it in all breakpoints objects. It defines the value for the smallest screen sizes (0 to small). If you don't specify it in a breakpoints object, the default theme value will be used instead.


Controls the appearance of code block elements in MD(X) pages and in OpenAPI fields that support Markdown formatting.


Controls the color of elements in the portal and in integrated Reference docs.


Controls the appearance of specific components in the portal: admonitions, buttons, the search bar, blockquotes, the login component and the main content wrapper.


URL to the image used as external icon. Supports data-url's too.


Controls the appearance of the logo image displayed in the top navigation bar in the portal. The logo image must be defined under logo in the siteConfig.yaml file.


Controls the appearance of the portal navbar. You must define the contents of the navigation bar in the nav section of the siteConfig.yaml file.


Controls the appearance of the right-side panel in integrated Reference docs (the panel containing code samples and the Try It console).


Controls the appearance of elements in response and request schemas in integrated Reference docs.


Controls the appearance of the left-side navigation sidebar.


Controls the spacing of sections in the portal. The numbers set here are used to calculate the spacing value of each section.


Controls the appearance of the right-side table of contents in MD(X) pages. For these settings to take effect, the table of contents must be enabled either globally for the entire portal (in the siteConfig.yaml file) or on individual pages (by setting enableToc: true in the front matter).


Controls the formatting of textual elements in the portal.

Example theme.ts file

import { lighten, readableColor, desaturate, darken, transparentize } from 'polished';
import { theme as userTheme } from 'Content/theme';

export const defaultTheme = {
  spacing: {
    unit: 5,
    sectionHorizontal: ({ spacing }) => spacing.unit * 8,
    sectionVertical: ({ spacing }) => spacing.unit * 8,
  breakpoints: {
    xs: 0,
    small: '550px',
    medium: '900px',
    large: '1200px',
  colors: {
    tonalOffset: 0.2,
    primary: {
      main: '#4b1fb8',
      light: ({ colors }) => lighten(colors.tonalOffset, colors.primary.main),
      dark: ({ colors }) => darken(colors.tonalOffset, colors.primary.main),
      contrastText: ({ colors }) => readableColor(colors.primary.main),
    success: {
      main: '#00aa13',
      light: ({ colors }) => lighten(colors.tonalOffset, colors.success.main),
      dark: ({ colors }) => darken(colors.tonalOffset, colors.success.main),
      contrastText: ({ colors }) => readableColor(colors.success.main),
    error: {
      main: '#e53935',
      light: ({ colors }) => lighten(colors.tonalOffset, colors.error.main),
      dark: ({ colors }) => darken(colors.tonalOffset, colors.error.main),
      contrastText: ({ colors }) => readableColor(colors.error.main),
    warning: {
      main: '#d4ad03',
      light: ({ colors }) => lighten(colors.tonalOffset, colors.warning.main),
      dark: ({ colors }) => darken(colors.tonalOffset, colors.warning.main),
      contrastText: '#ffffff',
    text: {
      primary: '#424242',
      secondary: '#4e566d',
    responses: {
      success: {
        color: ({ colors }) => colors.success.main,
        backgroundColor: ({ colors }) => transparentize(0.9, colors.success.main),
      error: {
        color: ({ colors }) => colors.error.main,
        backgroundColor: ({ colors }) => transparentize(0.9, colors.error.main),
      redirect: {
        color: '#ffa500',
        backgroundColor: ({ colors }) => transparentize(0.9, colors.responses.redirect.color),
      info: {
        color: '#87ceeb',
        backgroundColor: ({ colors }) => transparentize(0.9,,
    http: {
      get: '#6bbd5b',
      post: '#248fb2',
      put: '#9b708b',
      options: '#d3ca12',
      patch: '#e09d43',
      delete: '#e27a7a',
      basic: '#999',
      link: '#31bbb6',
      head: '#c167e4',
    navbar: {
      main: ({ colors }) => colors.primary.main,
      contrastText: ({ colors }) =>
        ((userTheme as any).colors &&
          (userTheme as any).colors.navbar &&
          (userTheme as any).colors.navbar.main &&
          readableColor(colors.navbar.main)) ||
    footer: {
      main: ({ colors }) => colors.primary.main,
      contrastText: ({ colors }) =>
        ((userTheme as any).colors &&
          (userTheme as any).colors.footer &&
          (userTheme as any).colors.footer.main &&
          readableColor(colors.footer.main)) ||

  sidebar: {
    backgroundColor: '#fafafa',
    width: '260px',
  tocPanel: {
    width: '240px',

  typography: {
    fontSize: '14px',
    lineHeight: '1.5em',
    fontWeightRegular: '400',
    fontWeightBold: '600',
    fontWeightLight: '300',
    fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
    headings: {
      fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
      fontWeight: '600',
    heading1: {
      fontSize: '1.85714em',
      fontWeight: '600',
      fontFamily: ({ typography }) => typography.headings.fontFamily,
      lineHeight: ({ typography }) => typography.lineHeight,
      color: ({ colors }) => colors.primary.main,
      capitalize: true,
    heading2: {
      fontSize: '1.57143em',
      fontWeight: '600',
      color: ({ colors }) => colors.text.primary,
      fontFamily: ({ typography }) => typography.headings.fontFamily,
      lineHeight: ({ typography }) => typography.lineHeight,
      capitalize: false,
    heading3: {
      fontSize: '1.27em',
      fontWeight: '600',
      color: ({ colors }) => colors.text.primary,
      fontFamily: ({ typography }) => typography.headings.fontFamily,
      lineHeight: ({ typography }) => typography.lineHeight,
      capitalize: false,
    rightPanelHeading: {},
    code: {
      fontSize: '14px',
      fontFamily: 'Courier, monospace',
      fontWeight: ({ typography }) => typography.fontWeightRegular,
      color: '#e53935',
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(38, 50, 56, 0.04)',
      wrap: false,
    links: {
      color: ({ colors }) => colors.primary.main,
      visited: ({ typography }) => typography.links.color,
      hover: ({ typography }) => lighten(0.2, typography.links.color),
  rightPanel: {
    backgroundColor: '#263238',
    width: '40%',
    textColor: '#ffffff',
  codeSample: {
    backgroundColor: ({ rightPanel }) => darken(0.1, rightPanel.backgroundColor),
  schema: {
    nestedBackground: '#fafafa',
    linesColor: theme =>
        desaturate(theme.colors.tonalOffset, theme.colors.primary.main),
    defaultDetailsWidth: '75%',
    typeNameColor: theme => theme.colors.text.secondary,
    typeTitleColor: theme => theme.schema.typeNameColor,
    requireLabelColor: theme => theme.colors.error.main,
    labelsTextSize: '0.9em',
    nestingSpacing: '1em',
    arrow: {
      size: '1.1em',
      color: theme => theme.colors.text.secondary,
  codeBlock: {
    backgroundColor: ({ rightPanel }) => darken(0.1, rightPanel.backgroundColor),
    tokens: {},